How much (%) egg yolk before disaster can one use in making a reasonably good soap?

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New Member
Aug 15, 2024
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Hi there!
My first post!
I have been making soap for my own use for 3 years but I am still a near total newbie.

I have made almost exclusively 100% coconut soap which I use mostly for dish washing, and seldom for washing clothes.
After initial blunders the results have been most satisfactory.

I am not a daring soap maker so I don't experiment much, but I did try adding some olive oil and it went OK, but not as good at my fat heavy dish washing. The wife of a good friend though, to whom I gave a bar of the soap with olive oil, was very pleased with the effect in the skin of her face, which from my experience with pure coconut soap let me terrified.

I then got this idea of adding egg yolk to my soap and after much reading was able to come up with what I think is a very nice soap, foamy and mild, which incidentally my friend's wife did not appreciate as much as the pure coconut one.

I myself liked it so much that I did a second batch, I only make small batches, max has been 2,5 kg.

Now I am wondering, and I am afraid this will be a silly question for experienced soap makers, how far can I push the % of egg yolk and what would be the advice on how much olive oil (or some other) must be added, knowing that there must be multiple possible good answers depending on what one is aiming for.

My aim is making a somehow usable soap with as much egg yolk as possible and then eventually experiment with progressively less egg yolk until I am satisfied with the result.
I don't know of anyone who has tried to find the outer extreme of how much egg one can add to soap and still have a functional soap. You're probably going to be a pioneer. Here are my thoughts and suggestions for using egg in soap:

As far as the soap you're currently making -- Olive oil soap, coconut oil soap, or soap made from a blend of the two are okay, but not the most ideal choices for bath soap. Most soap makers include other fats to improve the longevity of the soap in the bath, the soap's mildness to the skin, and even the quality and amount of lather.