How mold choice can impact finished soap

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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Western Kentucky
I made a batch of soap the other day for a few shell shaped guest soaps in a hard plastic mold from Hobby Lobby.

Well, I had way too much batter, so I poured the extra into a little homemade 3" X 5" corrugated plastic mold I had already lined with a plastic shopping bag.

Still left over batter...So I filled one cell on a silicone mold that was laying on the counter nearby. :rolleyes:

I left all of them sitting on the counter over night and unmolded about 14 hours after pour. I wasn't even thinking about the outcome, so I found the results neat and thought I would share my "ah HA!' moment with others. I think I finally see first-hand the difference between "gelled" and "un-gelled" CP soap. :idea:

Or maybe not...:think:

I wish I could get better pictures, I hope you all can tell the difference in translucency and texture between the 3 bars from the 3 different mold types.

The one on the left, from the silicone mold, appears to be what I think of when I hear the term "un-gelled". It cooled quite quickly, and is very opaque and "softly" colored. The texture is like a very hard butter and is getting harder as it cures each day.

The one in the center was poured in a small homemade loaf mold made of CorPlast, which does offer a bit of insulation. I'm guessing that is what "gelled" looks like? It took quite a bit longer than the other two to firm up, and got a bit warm. The color is darker and seems almost translucent. The texture is exceedingly firm and feels like a dried out gummy bear, that is, it resists when I try to press my finger into the center.

The one on the right, from the thin plastic craft store mold cooled almost immediately and is most certainly "un-gelled". Like the one from the silicone mold, it is also very opaque and "softly" colored, but it is a much firmer "soap" texture.

Just thought it was nifty and maybe food for thought for other new soapers like myself. :grin:

Fresh Mango - 0868.jpg

Fresh Mango 2 - 0868.jpg