How many like Clary Sage for scent?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2009
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Hi everyone :D. I haven't been here for awhile so I should say Hi first.

I am interested in how well Clary Sage smells in CP soap. I smelled some at a health supply store recently and it did not smell good at all. Of course, this was a whiff from the bottle, so that probably is not a good indication of the aroma. Does anyone use it in soap, and if so, can you describe how it smells? Also, are there suppliers that you suggest for this? I wondered if the one I smelled was from a not so great supplier. I didn't pay attention to the label...I should have, but it didn't occur to me at the time.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated :).
I've used clary sage blended with lavender in lotions and I've also used it blended with lavender & geranium in soap. I liked it the way these three EOs married together although I chose them for their properties. Of course, I don't know how beneficial they still are after the saponification.

I bought it from WSP and I like the scent. It is a strong herbal scent so I think it's personal preference. Some people may not care for it. Also, it is a bit overwhelming when you're smelling it OOB. I use it because I've read it's good for dry and mature skin. If you decide to use it, please remember to check the contraindications for it. I know it's not supposed to be used during pregnancy.
If you go to Rainbow Meadow Fragrance Calculator and plug in a couple of essential oils, it will give you ideas for blends. I love Clary Sage as is.
I love the smell of the earthy EO's, but I can't use clary sage or go near it. I have epilepsy and it and rosewood make me feel 'unbalanced' and like I want to vomit. It was tough when I had a Pagan gift shop, as I couldn't let anyone open those to EO's inside our shop.
Thank you for your replies. :) It sounds like it may be a good one to experiment with.

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