So, My question is.....why?
I know everyone is quoting the common numbers...4-6 weeks....but, why? Where is the science to back this up?
I mean, some soap may need 3 weeks, or 10 weeks to harden or cure or mature to perfection....but that is going to depend alot on the recipe, conditions, etc, surely.
If we do HP soap, the soap is basically ready right away, so the heat is speeding up the process that uses up the lye, making the soap "safe" to use.
In CP soaping, the temp is lower, so it takes longer....but if the oven is used, the temps should be alot more like a HP soap, and so it make sense that the soap would be ready in HP times not CP times.
But, even in CP, whether you gel, insulate, etc.....there is so much variation in temperatures....the amount of time that it takes a bar to be "ready" really must be variable. Right?
I searched and searched and searched the internet for good scientific info to back up the commonly accepted claims behind the recipes, and did not find them. Makes sense though. It is all math and chemistry, and if you are messing with your variables.....your results will be different.