How late is too late?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2012
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I had a coworker approach me Thursday & ask if I could make soap for her mother-in-law for Christmas. I have already cured soaps to offer her but if she doesn't like any of the scents I have, is it too late to make CP soap for Christmas gifts? Should I offer to make a MP soap instead?
If you could get the soap made today or tomorrow, it will have enough time to cure. Provided your co work can wait just a few day before christmas to pick and and wrap the soap.
High olive recipes won't be ready--or at least not very good--by Christmas. They'll be safe, but the lather won't be good.

Like Obsidian noted, the "average" recipe that requires the 4 week minimum will just squeak in under the gun.
Thanks. I don't like giving anything that isn't my best so my fear was that I wouldn't be able to give her a quality soap.
Today or tomorrow will get you in 'under the wire', unless you're making something like castile soap. I recently did some reading about using a bit less water to help decrease the time it takes to unmold and be able to cut your soap (i.e. 'water discounting') and have found it very effective! Today I soaped at 2:1 for the first time and it went really well :)

I'm sort of in the same boat as you are -- wanting to give people special soaps for the holidays and running out of time -- so today was a VERY soapy day for me! I put my nose to the grindstone and made four batches of soap and I'm frankly exhausted, but it's done. What's going to get done for Christmas is done, for better or for worse, and now it all just needs to set up, be unmolded, tidied up, and cured for as long as possible before wrapping.

I'm planning to make some bath bombs in the next few weeks, so I can make little gift sets of complimentary scents/colours with one or two bars of soap and a bath bomb, soak or fizzy.
I'd make CP and add a little note - for best performance use after Jan 10 or whatever date suits you.

In my experience a lot of people leave their handmade soap gifts on display in their bathroom or where ever for a while before using!
Thanks penelopjane! A "best after date" is a wonderful idea. My coworker is going to add it to a gift basket she's putting together so I'm hoping that her MIL will let it sit somewhere for another couple of weeks before using. I'm also hoping that my coworker will choose some of my cured soaps too.

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