How I keep my fo organized

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Oct 19, 2010
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I make candles and bath and body stuff. I have way too many FO :oops: and I just thought I would add a little tip on how to keep them organized. I have several suppliers so sometimes it is hard. Here is what I do.

Using excel, I made a spreadsheet and listed all my fo's; a different sheet within the workbook for each supplier. On that spreadsheet I have four columns. First one is my stock number, second one is the name of the scent, third one is for the renamed scent and the fourth one is for the color, such as 2D blue and 1/4 B red (D= drops, B=block) P.S. You can hand write your list if you don't like computers.

For an example, I will use Natures Garden Candles Christmas Splendor, Hillbilly Home Brew and The Scent Works Pink Sugar and Head Over Heels In it looks likes this:

Stock- Fragrance- Renamed- Color
NG01 - Christmas Splendor- Santa's Rockin Sleigh Ride- 4D red 1/2 B red
NG02- Hillybilly Home Brew -Redneck Mulled Cider - 3D brown 2D red

On another sheet in the workbook

Stock- Fragrance- Renamed- Color
TSW01-Pink Sugar- Kenna's Kisses-1/2 B pink
TSW02-Head Over Hells in Love- Twitterpated-5D Red

Now on my FO caps, I took a permanant marker and wrote my stock numbers: NG01 on the top of the Christmas Splendor bottle, NG02 on the Hillbilly Home Brew, etc.
Sometimes the oils will get on the cap so I also put it on the side of the bottle. I also put the amount I paid per ounce so I know how much to charge for the particular item made with that scent. If you paid 5.95 for 2 ounces then you paid $2.98 per ounce. :shock: Must of been a real good scent, huh!

Then I went to Wal-mart and got two or three of the plastic see through file cabinets. The one that have the 2 little drawers and 3 or 4 big drawers (get the ones with wheels). I use the little drawers for my wicks, lids, caps, sprayers etc.

The big drawers were labeled with the names of my suppliers in alaphbetical order. Sometimes I had to share a drawer with two or three suppliers. After writing the stock numbers on the tops of all my fo bottles I just simply placed them in the appropiate filing drawer. (make sure they don't fall over or they may leak).
I made a copy of my spread sheet and placed it by my FO's. When I need a specific scent, I go to my list and find the number, go to the drawer and pull it out!

OMG, life is so much eaiser now. It took alot of work up front but it was a great help! I hope this helps others get creative and get organized! If you have any questions, just ask! :wink:
You know that soapmaker does that for you. It subtracts the amount when you "make" a recipe.

I keep my bottles in clear acrylic boxes attached to the wall, like shelves.
If I went and did all that, I'd never have time to make soap! :wink:

My XH made me a shelf and on it I keep the bottles seperated (for the most part) into catagories.....Ocean, herbal, vanillas/food, patch/earthy, fruit, florals, autumn, christmas, perfumey, etc..

What I'm missing, however, is a system to record which ones are my favorites (how they performed/sold, etc.) It's starting to get to be more information than I can store in my head, lol!
sounds like too much work for me, I have all my fos in a cake pan! I keep notes of every batch of soap I make how and what it does, how much color, fo etc.
Thank you for taking the time to share all this wonderful information with us! It sounds MUCH better than my method.. I have a storage cabinet for my supplies (which, is overflowing and I have so many boxes in my room I look like a hoarder haha). My method of finding an FO? Open cabinet, spend the next 15-20 minutes searching for the FO I need... LOL
I like the drawer idea with a catalog number on the lid of the FO. Do you find they tip over alot when you open and close the doors?
I have been searching for ways to get a better handle of my FO's. Digging through and finding a WOW! I forgot I had that scent! is fun, but not real economic. HAHA
Thanks again!
It is alot of work up front but it pays off in the end. I didn't have soapmaker at the time and this was my only way to keep my wits!

lauramw71, only if you get real rough with them. I would like to add inserts, like maybe cardboard for the smaller bottles. It works for me...

Yea, I know what you mean about OH, WOW! I still have that scent...coconuts and pineapples are the worst to forget about! They get floaties...LOL. Sorry...I really shouldn't know this but it happens...that's why I had to get organized...
Thanks for taking the time to explain your system.
It sounds really useful. And I imagine it helps you to soap or craft easily when you go to do it!