how do you store your finished soaps?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2014
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united states
I am new. I have made about 8 batches so far. HP. Really enjoy it. Now I have this abundance of finished soap. It's just my DH and myself using the stuff. No kids.

My question is this: How do you store your finished soaps over the LONG haul? I have a few different fragrances going. I'd like to store them in some shallow, loose lidded plastic tubs or something but I wonder if I have to have a separate tub for each fragrance. Will they all smell the same if I store them in the same tub so long as I am careful that the bars aren't touching each other?

Thanks for any guidance you can offer.

hi Rene and welcome :)

i shrink wrap my soaps right after they finished curing (4-6 weeks). after that i store them in shoe boxes, or just stack them in one of my curing racks.
If you store them together they WILL for sure start to smell the same :(

I wrap them in paper once they're cured, and then I store them on a shelf - that hubby put up, just for that purpose. If I start to get overrun, then I put the wrapped soaps in paper bags, grouped together, left open to still breathe - and then in boxes - NO Lids...You want them to still breathe.

I dry them on stackable wire racks though - so that they can fully dry and cure. (Or alternatively, you can dry them on some kind of mesh - and rotate them.
hi Rene and welcome :)

i shrink wrap my soaps right after they finished curing (4-6 weeks). after that i store them in shoe boxes, or just stack them in one of my curing racks.

Any problems with the soap after shrink wrap? <like breathability>
Any problems with the soap after shrink wrap? <like breathability>

i've not used this system for a long time (3 months maybe). so far so good. i keep all sides sealed, except for 2 super tiny needle pokes (otherwise the plastic bubbled and won't shrink properly).

i'm no chem savvy, but my logic is the soaps have cured properly during the 4-6 weeks, thus they will have no problem when kept sealed. cmiiw.
Mine all get cigar bands so I know whats what and are organized in rows in a big cardboard box - I haven't had a problem with scents bleeding onto each other, but if I were selling maybe Id be more careful.
Hello! I let my soap cure for a month so they are dry then I place the same scented bars in a gallon size plastic freezer bag and seal it. I can get 12 bars of soap in each bag. I label the bags of the name of the soap and the date each batch was made. Then place all the same-scented bags in card board storage boxes (with lids) and label each box with the soap name and quantity. I have never had a bar go bad and no DOS. The fragrance is highly retained within the bags. I have had a bag of pine scented soap bars unopened for two years and they look like I just made them. As for their combined scent - super strong! I used one about a month ago to test it and was shocked at how the fragrance was maintained and how sudsy it was. Soap bars do improve with age.

I sometimes wonder if you really have to have the bars "breathe" if they are stored when dry. For all my bars they are sealed up tight and stored in a dark box. Anyway, this works for me.
I use shrink wrap bands. After curing I wrap and label then they either go on one of my curing racks or if no room there then I put them in baseball card storage boxes 1 scent per box then stack them in large plastic storage containers. I can fit 15 in each container. Makes transporting for shows easy too. I've never had DOS

Thanks for the replies. I just didn't know if my scents would get all mushy. I have learned to make much smaller batches so I can soap more often and we can use it up in a timely fashion.

I found some cheap little shoebox sized plastic tubs today with really loose fitting lids.

I also had some shrink wrappers on hand that I just got from BB. As soon as I nail down some labels I am on my way to some cute little shrinky soaps in little organized boxes.

Mine get shrink wrapped at 4-5 DOS and very little shrinkage if any..some soaps 'will' transfer scents if one is strong and one is weaker..I have noticed this even while they are drying.
i've not used this system for a long time (3 months maybe). so far so good. i keep all sides sealed, except for 2 super tiny needle pokes (otherwise the plastic bubbled and won't shrink properly).

i'm no chem savvy, but my logic is the soaps have cured properly during the 4-6 weeks, thus they will have no problem when kept sealed. cmiiw.

I do the same and have done it this way for 3 yrs. Worst case scenario is I have to zap with the heat gun to tighten up the wrap if they have sat for to many months. I hav enot run into any problems, but in humid weather do leave a little bigger hole for breathability. I then store them in produce crates that I can stack
From personal experience, fragrances will bleed if differently scented soaps are in the same box together. Also, I've had synthetic fragrances that just. never. fade. I have had one bar for more than a year and the fragrance is still incredibly strong while my essential oil scented batches, when left out, faded. Secondly, I have heard a rumor that plastic made from polypropylene (like a plastic shoe box, storage container, or Tupperware) will hold scent, while polyethylene (like Ziplock baggies) will allow scents to escape and fade.
I package them (paper + hemp twine) and load all the same kinds in a paper bag and fold the top closed. This allows them to continue to breath some, but the process is slowed down.

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