You are greatly mistaken. There is so much to create a good batch of soap. It would be beneficial to your education on soapmaking to read, read, read. Learn what qualities each oil/butter etc can bring to the party. Also what their purpose in soap is. For instance, CO, Babassu and PKO are what bring the cleansing to the party.
You took the words right off my keyboard!! That was the first soap I made. 100% lard with a 5% SF and "full water" according to SoapCalc. I made a small (2 pound) batch because I had a small loaf mold. I didn't use any colorants or fragrance. I still love a good lard soap. I use 45% to 50% in all of my batches. 100% coconut oil is great for making popcorn, not so much for soap unless you're going to do laundry or dishes with it (as has been mentioned numerous times already).
(Coconut oil does a great job on the dogs' cracked and irritated paws. You don't have to worry about them getting sick if they lick it off. It's also good for hot spots and skin irritations, too. Again, no worries if they lick it off.)
I will second the coconut oil (not soap, just the oil) for dogs! If they have a dry, irritated spot, put a little dab - the size of a pea - and comb it into the fur. Just a little dab will do ya!