Honey problem

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Does adding the additives in the oil before adding the lye accelerate trace, especially honey?
Here's another tip:
I made GM soap, a known "heater", for a wholesale customer for years. One of their soaps required honey. To offset the risk of acceleration, I made the NaOH solution the night before and kept it in the fridge overnight. I added it straight from the fridge to the "warmed to the touch" (100°F ?) oils. Never had a problem with acceleration. I also stirred with a spatula at first to "test the waters" so to speak before stickblending to the emulsion stage.

HTH (Hope This Helps!)
OMG, the photos above play an optical illusion on me. Above it looks like it bumps going up, for a lack of a better description. The photos below I can clearly see that it is spoon imprints... bumps going down. That's why I was wondering how you did that. I'm probably the only crazy one here to see it like that.
No, your are right. It definitely looks like corn on the cob smothered in butter to me, too.
OMG, the photos above play an optical illusion on me. Above it looks like it bumps going up, for a lack of a better description. The photos below I can clearly see that it is spoon imprints... bumps going down. That's why I was wondering how you did that. I'm probably the only crazy one here to see it like that.
I saw it that way too!
@Zany_in_CO “To offset the risk of acceleration, I made the NaOH solution the night before and kept it in the fridge overnight. I added it straight from the fridge to the "warmed to the touch”

I’m not getting my replies correctly with quotes yet... ,but your suggestion of refrigerating the lye solution over night worked perfectly preventing acceleration. I haven’t gotten the texture quite right to make cleaner color definition on the leaves. I poured when it was too runny to keep it centered in the indented area with using small spoon and pastry bag. I notice the colors are a tad lighter probably because the batter was cooler. I added the EO to the oils. I like this method! My scent is still off, but all in all for family I think it’ll be fine! I’ll practice more. So in order, top first batch, middle second batch, last — third batch! Thank you so much for your tips !


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