Hi! This is an awesome site. Thanks to everyone for making this such a great place! I am so thankful to have found you guys a couple days ago! What a blessing!
oops! Sorry! I forgot that I posted over here and didn't reaply to any of your friendly "hello's"
artisan soaps, actually I have't made anything yet :roll: I will soon though!!!! I have a hobby flock of adorable sheep that I want to use the milk and make soap out of. Some friends in the sheep busness gave me a ton of milk to start with, so I have all that frozen. (ok maybe it wans't a literal TON of sheep milk...but a few gallons I actually have had a dream of selling my sheep milk soaps at the local farmer's markets that we have around here. SO...how about you? How long have you been making soap for?
IanT, My friend and I say 'sup rather than "what's up"..."What's up" just takes TOOOOOOOO long to type out if you know what I mean 8) 'sup Sounds kinda cool too 8)
Have you been making soap for awile now?