Hi! Newbie from Far East, Canada

Soapmaking Forum

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Feb 25, 2009
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Hi, I'm brand new to this forum, and also soap making. I'm from the east coast of Canada.

I just started making soap. I always wanted to try it. I bought a silly little melt and pour kit from a local craft store one day. The soap was horrible, haha. But I wanted to try to make my own from scratch, so I (finally) got some lye, (which was a huge ordeal) and got the guts up to try it. I've only made 3 batches so far, 2 crock pot HP batches, and today I made my first CP batch. (which is in it's mold right now. I hope it turns out ok!)

I am still kind of confused about some things, but getting the hang of it a bit. I'm looking forward to learning from this forum, an talking to people about making soap, since my boyfriend is pretty sick of hearing about it!!


welcome to the forum!

you will find a wealth of info just searching thru the soap forum and the recipe section. at the top right of the page you can click on "search" and find just about anything-from colorants to stick blender, dos and more.

everyone here is so friendly and patient...not to mention CREATIVE!
Hi, and welcome! Way to go on already trying M&P, cold process, AND hot process! You're going to have a lot of fun with soaping :)
Hi, and welcome from south central B.C.

I started with an M&P kit too! Same result......yukky soap, but I was hooked and went on to CP as well. That was 4 years ago and I just love it!! You'll be here 4 years from now saying the same thing to someone else. with a wealth of experience and knowled under your soapy fingertips:D
Thanks for the welcome everyone. I am so in love with soap making already. I dream about it haha! And my boyfriend dreams about me talking about, it's that bad. :lol:

Surf Girl, I am in New Brunswick. Not very far from PEI at all. :)

I just cut my frist batch of CP last night, it looks pretty good. I can't wait til I stock up on more supplies, so I can make differnt kinds of soap. I am very limited right now, there isn't much here to pick from.

surf girl said:
Hey Smash, welcome! Where on the East Coast are you? I'm in BC, but my summer cottage is on PEI.

What part of the Island do you have a cottage. My parents live near Lakeside in West St Peters. I've spent every summer of my life there. Lived in Vancouver for a couple of years too, before I got married (1994), LOVED IT, LOVED IT!!! I'd move back to BC in a heartbeat. Too bad my hubby is american. Getting him a green card would be a pain. Loving this soap addiction thing.

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