Very nice site. I like the Plain Jane soap.The name of it amused me.
I'm not an expert on web sites. I should also add that I'm not selling so everything I say is just my opinion. I like the simplicity of yours and it's easy to navigate. I especially liked the "Did you know" on the home page and the section on how to care for the soap to make it last longer.
I also think it's good how you worded your descriptions. You're educating people on what essential oils have been used for but you're not making claims about your soaps.
Also, congratulations on selling them at retail locations.
These are just suggestions. You might want to consider listing the weight of the bars. For example, the lemongrass soap is $4. I'd add a weight range which stated something like Weight 4.0-4.2 oz. Just so people know approximately what they're getting.
Also, have you considered adding clays or herbal powders to your soaps? Not only would they color your soaps but you'd also have the benefits from them.
Last month, I made a CP batch and added rose hip powder to it. I tried to swirl it but since I'm lousy at it, it looked more like blobs.
Anyway, it added a pink coloration throughout the soap but it also provided a very light exfoliation.
I know other people use french green clay for oily complexions. Clay helps make the soap a little harder and I've heard it also helps to keep the scent.
Also, I wondered about the price on your whipped sugar scrub. $5.99 seems a little low for 9 oz. But if you're making a profit, then it's a great price!
But like I said, I'm not an expert and these are just my thoughts after looking at your site. I hope this helps you a little.