@ Jerliesa: I am a kind of wheatish complexion too so I hear you! What works best for me, I usually put the design on later in the evening after finishing dinner, when the design starts drying, dab a mixture of lemon juice and sugar on you design with cotton ball ( the acid in the lemon juice gives deeper color and sugar is sticky so makes the paste stick to your skin allowing it to stain more). Then let it dry overnight (if necessary, wear a latex glove so you don't end up staining the bedsheets and comforter) and then peal off the dry paste from the design first thing in the morning and DO NOT touch water to the design for about 10 hours (it may not be possible for some of us) but over that period of 10 hours the color darkens.
Let me know if you have any other questions
@ Saponista:
Aweee, I wish I could have been able to be there to do it for you. .... my soaping friends would get a good discount and/or a good barter!!!!!!! I could use some amazing soaps
I'd love a tutorial and to learn how. We always get a version done that they have at the renaissance festival.
First of all I have to apologize. I started to type my reply last night but was so sleepy that I just fell asleep and my husband put away my glasses and phone. ....didn't mean to not reply to your post!
I always go to the Renaissance festival and stop by there. They do it very differently!
I am not very good at making videos but was trying to find a video from YouTube to see if there is one that matches the way I do mine and saw this video that I will see if I can post the link here.
Really pretty! I don't know if my hand is steady enough to do something that intricate, but it would be fun to try.
I was the same way Jencat, until I actually started taking classes for the same. I learnt it from the lady who did my wedding henna. The pictures I sent are nowhere close to her work of art!!!!! I have to do a lot of practice and hopefully one day I can get closer to her art!
I am trying to paste a link of YouTube on how to make the paste and fill it in the cone.
How To Make Henna Paste & Fill Henna Cone:
Please let me know whether you can see it or not.