Help with definitions

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
I've got a silly question (I'm kinda embarrased) :oops: , but what do the abbreviations mean?

GM soap
CPOP soap

Are there any others I may have forgotten?

gm = goat milk
cpop=cold process/pour oven process
pko=palm kernal oil


Never a silly question around here! :)
Cold Process Oven Process, just means that you make your soap as per the usual cold process method, but while you are melting all your oils, preparing the lye etc, you are also warming up the oven, just to a low gentle heat, not hot. Then you pour your soap in to the moulds, then put the moulds into the oven. Some people leave the oven on for a while, checking the soap regularly, then when it reaches full gel, take it out of the oven to cool, others shut the oven off once they put the soap in there, then leave it over night. If they leave it in overnight, they usually just leave the light on so it provides a little warmth.
The reason for doing this is to push gel.

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