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@Cwilso16 !
That recipe looks fine so far, it should give you an appreciably hard bar that should be easy to cut after 48 hours, if not much earlier. But that depends on your protocol. Is 1 kg oils the absolute batch size, or do you scale it? Do you ensure good trace with your stick blender? Do you do something to the mould to avoid (fridge) or force gel (insulate and/or CPOP in the oven)?
Have you tried to make a batch without fragrance? Specific FOs can cause the weirdest issues, and might make working with actually well-behaved base batter a pain.
When you have softness issues, you might reduce the amount of water. 33% (271 g) should be alright, but you could go as low as 200 g (40% lye concentratin), which means that there is less water in the soap that might make it softer.
Some additives can help increase the initial hardness to make unmoulding and cutting easier: sodium lactate (most popular), acetate (vinegar), or table salt.
In any case, give the soap more time. As said, 48 hours should be plenty, but when your soap decides to need longer, don't fight it. As long as you have worked with proper lye solution and emulsion, the outcome will be lovely soap!