Help me! Low on lye, need to choose just one!

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Lil Outlaws

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
I have to reorder my lye (anybody in the US wanna sell me some cheap?? :) ) so right now I am low. Enough for one, MAYBE two batches..
I have so many on my list of "to do" and can't decide which to sacrifice the lye for haha

Poteet Strawberry
Vineyard Cabernet
Blanco Lavender Fields
Mango Papaya
Lemon Ice
Banana Pudding
Pink Lemonade
Pear Glace'

Any ideas??
And on the ones that will discolor, any ideas on what to do? I have no TD or anything to counteract it..
I do have some liquid soap colors, and some charcoal...
There isn't much you can do to combat discoloration, particularly that caused by vanilla in an FO. For some FOs (non- or low-vanilla) preventing gel might help you get a lighter colored soap though.
Ooooo. The Cabernet gets me but that's probably because I LOOOOOVEEEE drinking it.
Thanks for the input guys! I think I'm going citrusy, I went and looked at everything in my soap closet and nothing really "fresh" right now..


I've NEVER found lye in the hardware stores.. well I stopped at this store I'd seen a thousand times, independently owned type of thing (the little guy). I **knew** they wouldn't have it but I had to kill time til my doctor's appointment.. and what did they have?!?

The same brand I've been buying on eBay for 4.28 a pound. I'd been buying it on eBay, two (1lb) bottles for just under 20.00 shipped! I bought 3 today because it's all I could reach (I'm 4'11" and they were on the top shelf) but I will most definitely be going back soon!

(it's about an hour and a half from me but right by my mom's house so I go by there a lot)
That looks like the same brand--it's kinda hard to tell I can't hardly make the brand name on the label--I already have only Ace Hardware sells it in 12 oz...
I got that brand than, i have it in 12 oz, from Ace Hardware, I might just order from him next time or first go check out & see if they sell the larger quantity at Home Depot or Lowe's to avoid FEDEX shipping fees also
Ace Hardware sells the Rooto brand 100% lye, it'll be in a small quantity (12 oz) though...If you plan on making several batches of soap, your best bet is to buy it online or if you have a chemical store in your area that sells 50lb bags of lye, you'll get a better deal.