Help Making Luxury Bar????

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I'd give olive pomace a try. It's more stable over time than extra virgin olive oil which can oxidate rather quickly to ~ 20 Peroxide value immediately after opening. PV of ~ 5-10 is best. I use nothing but OOPomace, it soaps as good as or better the E Virgin Olive Oil. Without checking it in SoapCalc, I think I remember it adding a tad more hardness to the bar/lower INS value. Check it out and see if it suits you better! It makes a great lather!! Fine & rich & creamy.
I'm another one who uses the Olive Oil from Costco. Have been doing so for years with no issues. I tried Pomace and found it traced faster and I found out it was chemically pressed in most cases so chose not to use it again. Many do and love it. I too love Avocado in my special soaps. Total luxury to me especially with a milk as liquid.
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