Help! I cant stop!

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OMG, I am so addicted to CP soapmaking! There is patchouli, blackberry frost, salt bars, watermellon, monkey farts, cocoaliscious, Apricot/raspberry seed bars........It is official, I am a soapaholic!!!!





The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. (Then ignoring that nonsense and buying more stuff to make more SOAP!!!!) :D
Lookin' good!!!
Hubby asked me yesterday, "What are you going to do with all that soap?"
I told him "Use it" but secretly, I've started giving it away! LOL
It starts so innocently doesn't it? Then all of're addicted!!!! They look wonderful!!! Enjoy.....but you better make more room, it only gets worse!!!!! We now have a "soap room" for me & a "hunting room" for my hubby. My room smells better :lol:


great bunch of soapies! they look wonderful!

"honey, we have to buy a bigger house 'cause there's no room left for my soap!"

we are such a bunch of enablers! :D
Your soap looks wonderful , you have it bad , don't you :wink:

Yep that evidence would suggest you are totally and hopelessly addicted to soap making . There is no known cure and that's a good thing , we don't want to be cured , do we :?:

Love the soaps! Yeah, you are enjoying the addiction.

Love the soap balls...beautiful color combos..
the ones with orange on bottom and pinkish purple on top look like a mango tango drink! i love those
I've been doing the same thing! I keep trying new recipes and have found some great ones, but just keep trying more. Someone offered me a bunch of shelving for my storage area so I now have a place to store my batches. This is definitely addictive! Your soaps look great...the brown ones look like yummy fudge!
We all have the same problem, and there is noone trying to talk us out of it :lol: . I keep making and my DH keeps handing my soaps out to people we know :lol: .
Good thing that your washer and dryer are front loaders! :lol: Very nice work!

OMG! those seriously look like food!!

i love brownies, and I swear to the Lord Almighty, if i didn't know those were soap, and i knew where you lived, half that would be gone in the morning :D