Hey guys! Thanks for the responses! I neglected the time difference. In the meantime I remembered that Mixing is the key, so I kept on mixing and turned low and high regularly depending on how the paste reacts!
Then it turned out to that pretty gel in the photo! I took this just now and it's about 20hours after !
So to response back : I mistyped my weight in Oil, I used the Gram system and its in 1001gram I measured at the time! So that's not the reason.
I bought the KoH recently and I didn't get to ask the supplier yet about the age of it. I will look it up! But I did use the Bramble berry soap cal with pre-set 10% lye excess for the impurity of the KoH normally ! Mine is only 85% pure! -,-
And the water amount was suggested on the calculation as its 60% of the oil weight. Which I learnt from soap cal that it's best to do 38% of the oils weight. Can someone please advise on this matter for me ? Should use how much % in lye water solution in soap ( hard bar and liquid respectively!) ?
I got another worry as its all Olive Oil Pomace , so it's very oleic ! Would it not be good if I want to use it in formula of Face Cleanser ?
And reading another post here, would it mould fast because it's all 100% olive pomace ? If so, do I need to preserve the paste too or just the finished liquid soap?
Thanks again and very thankful to be in this helpful community! Btw, I am from Hong Kong
bet you most from US or Europe here !