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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, MI
Hello everyone; I'm super excited to be here! My name is Naseerah. I've been lurking for the past six months and experimenting so I thought it was about time to step in. I took a semester of college my freshman year this past fall and decided it might not be for me. I had been obsessing over soap for about two years already so I figured this was the perfect time to jump in seeing as I have so much free time these days!

My first batch of cp was a bit of a disaster but my second batch didn't come out too bad. It discolored, like I had expected it to, and it certainly wasn't pretty, but it worked just fine and I was just over the moon that I could wash with it! I look forward to learning from you guys and getting a chance to really start filling up my soap journal.
Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I'm gearing up for another go pretty soon, so I'll be sifting through some of the tips and tricks you guys have contributed.

Eternally Grateful Newbie

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