Hello From Simple Soaper

Soapmaking Forum

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simple soaper

Jan 21, 2011
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Hello... I am new to the list but am a very experienced soapmaker. I'm here because a good friend of mine joined and it was a way for me to be a part of a forum with her.. I started making soap and was a popular fixture on various forums and an addicted soapmaker about 12 years ago... I can;t tyoe worth a darn btw... so forgive the errors. lol...(see )... I ran a soapmaking business and, like many of you may, have branched out into a very successful soap packaging supply business.. Many of you have probably bought some of our items... I will not say what the name is. I am not being coy! I am being private... I am here for personal reasons. I am not here trying to support my business... I don't need to... But in running a business I got away from soapmaking itself and when my friend (she runs her own handcrafted soap making business) told me she was on this forum now, it piqued my interest in soapmaking again. I have only made a few batches throughout the past few years. I lost my spark. I would consider myself and her, expert soapmakers but I am very much out of practice. I will admit it is hard running any business at times and I had lost my passion for soapmaking. By joining this forum I hope to bring back the joy, wonderment and creativity I see in most all of you. Many of you are professional I can tell as well... I can also see that you are all truely amazing and your soaps are specatular! Even though I am not a beginner, thanks for teaching me again... I look forward to learning from all of you, all over again...
Hi and welcome! It's going to be great for newbie's like myself to have another person with so much experience on this forum.

I joined this forum, because after years of reserach and wanting to make soap, I finally did, but it didn't quite go the way I'd hoped. I've found the people on this site are so helpful and the inspiration they give is amazing!

I hope you find your passion being reignited as you spend time here. Plus here's to your business continuing to be wonderful for you!
Welcome to the forum and I hope you'll soon regain your love for soaping. Being here certainly encourages one to express their creativity and develop a passion for soaping. I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do.
Thank you all for the kind welcome! You are alll very encouraging! I think it may be time to dust off the stick blender and slotted spons..... lol.... I've had a craving to make very unique soap.... :shock: hmmm you never know...
Welcome Simple Soaper to this wonderful forum.......There is such a great bunch of talented and friendly soapers here it has to be my favourite forum to participate in :0) I look forward to seeing you around the boards

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