I'm relatively new to soap making - I've made a few batches of hot process and have become addicted!! I can't wait to try some cold process and experiment!!
Welcome, AtomicKitty! :wave: As a mostly CP-gal who HPs only when she absolutely has to, I think it's only fair to warn you to prepare yourself to find CP even more fun and addicting. :mrgreen:
Hi. I do have to ask- are you letting your HP soaps cure BEFORE going to town and using them? I only want to be sure you aren't shortchanging your soaps by using them too soon.
Arimara - I let my HP cure - at least for a week, but usually much longer before I use them. I do enjoy them, and I love that I can control the ingredients, but I'm finding making patterns very challenging (you know, the fact I'm a complete newbie at this not withstanding!)
Welcome to the forum! Yeah it can be a bit hard to get complicated patterns with hot process although I've seen some people who can get it pretty fluid, although you should really wait four weeks to use it, at least.