I do both. I would say that about 98% of my batches are CP and the other 2% are HP. As you can tell from those percentages, I like making CP vastly more than than I like making HP.
I only HP if I have to, which is when I'm using one of my well-loved, but ornery FOs that doesn't take kindly to CP.
Both CP and HP have their advantages and disadvatages. You'll just have to make both to see which pros/cons
you feel most comfortable with when all is said and done.
I would have to say that for me, the biggest 'con' with my HP is that I hate how my finished bars warp into shriveled, misshapened rectangles over time as the excess water from having had used a 'full water amount' evaporates. I can tolerate just about every other HP disadvantage on my personal HP 'con' list except for this particular one. I've been thinking of discounting my water a bit to combat this problem, but I haven't tried it yet. Right now I use a 28% lye concentration with my HP, along with sodium lactate and sugar for a nice, jam-like pour. I just don't want to make the mistake of discounting
too much and risk having things go wonky on me.
My personal HP con list, in case you were wondering:
-Takes me longer to make than CP
-It's much trickier to color
-I have the same amount of clean-up as with CP, regardless
-It's more difficult/tricky to mold
-Takes much longer to harden up than my CP
-Warped bars (I'm not talking about rustic looking. I actually don't mind rustic looking. I mean shriveled and misshapened bars.)
judymoody said:
As for cleanup, I wipe down my CP equipment with a cotton rag and let it turn into soap. Then I use it the next time I have to clean up a mess (or wash a bunch of rags).
Awesome tip!