I just poured my 3rd batch into the mold earlier this afternoon, and couldn't resist peeking at it a little bit ago. There's a crack developing right along the center of the top of the soap, doh. I did a search here to see what the consensus is on cracking soap, and after reading several posts about heat being the most likely culprit, I pulled the lid off of the mold and set up a fan in the kitchen.
It's warm here today, around 76F in the house, and the soap in question has coconut milk in it, so I'm thinking that I should have never put the lid on the mold to begin with. I'm fine with learning experiences, I'm just curious if there's a chance the crack will at least not get worse now that it's uncovered and has a fan on it.
This is what it looks like as of 10 minutes ago:
Thanks, you guys have been so incredibly helpful, and I appreciate all of the guidance!
It's warm here today, around 76F in the house, and the soap in question has coconut milk in it, so I'm thinking that I should have never put the lid on the mold to begin with. I'm fine with learning experiences, I'm just curious if there's a chance the crack will at least not get worse now that it's uncovered and has a fan on it.
This is what it looks like as of 10 minutes ago:
Thanks, you guys have been so incredibly helpful, and I appreciate all of the guidance!