How does it smell? It should have a distinct, pleasant coconut smell (or odourless if refined). If it's only ever so slightly pungent, acrid, like overused frying oil, or like cheese or sour milk (cow, goat), that might be a bad sign, or it might turn out fine in soap. Collecting indications for the CO gone bad…
How does it taste? It's good when just neutral greasy or with a slight hint of coconut. But any bitter, acidic or sharp-spicy aftertaste aren't good.
Lauric oils like coconut can go rancid, but does so more slowly than most long-chain oils/fats/butters, and the signs of rancidity are different from it too.
I'd recommend you to take out two samples from the bucket into transparent jars. Put one in the fridge and judge how it looks one solidified, like
@earlene has already suggested. Heat up the other to 40°C/until fully melted, and look if it stays turbid and/or if a unusual amount of solid junk is floating around.
If you feel uncomfortable, you can still contact the seller and discuss possible quality issues with them.