Not pretty, but I've never made HP before, looked at loads of videos and it looks kind of lumpy!! Not sure how it might curl out, how do you make HP smooth? If I use soft oils, sunflower olive ect, is that better than hard, coco, palm ect?
To make it smooth, I put plastic wrap over the molded soap and press as hard as I can. That gets most of the lumps out but there are still small holes in it sometimes.
Reason why I want to do HP, is that I'm fed up with my lovely EO,s smelling great for a while and then the dreaded lye destroying them!!
I have done some m&p and put my EO in that, making curls, and then putting them in my CP. This seems to hold the scent in the bar of soap much better as the cp batter doesn't come into contact with the EO,s
But I want to make soap with natural ingredients, so I thought of using hot process for the curls. Don't know if anyone has done this or if there are any other suggestions.