Has anyone made deer tallow soap?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
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I think I finally found a source for deer tallow. Has anyone tried deer tallow? Is it similar to beef tallow?
I believe @TashaBird has used deer tallow and might be able to comment?

While you are waiting to hear from someone with experience, one of the best ways to compare oils is to put a single oil soap recipe into the calc, and look at the fatty acid profile. I’d start with the beef tallow.

Now, leave the recipe the same, except switch to another oil - deer tallow in your case. Look at the change, if any, in the FA profile.

As long as you know, or can look up, what each FA brings to soap, you can have a good idea of how similar the soaps might be from these oils. You can also look at the respective “properties” list for each single-oil recipe for a summary of that info.

Of course, there are other differences that don’t necessarily show in the calc, but it is a good start.
I've used deer tallow at 48% and quite liked it. It makes a hard bar and it seemed slicker then other bars.
If I could get nice thick fat, its worth rendering down. Bear fat is nice too if you ever get access to it.
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This doesn’t explain “waxy,“ but I noticed that deer fat contains more linoleic fatty acid relative to the other tallows. Fun facts: Deers eat wild mushrooms and the fats in mushrooms are enriched in PUFAs, which include linoleic acid.
I will find out at some point as I have the fat of about 4 deer to render but believe me, it does not add up to much fat cause there really isn't any fat on the deer I have access to.
explain “waxy,“
“Waxiness”, the official term, is defined as the fraction of the fat that melts above 35°C (“above body temperature”):

Most semi-solid and solid fats do have a few % of “waxiness” due to their high content of saturated FAs (palmitic/stearic acid).
A notable exception is cocoa butter, which melts quite high, but is completely liquid at 35°C, hence has no “waxiness”. That makes it so difficult to replace it with other oils/oil blends, when waxiness might be an issue (confectionery).
Has anyone tried deer tallow?
Deer Tallow has been discussed many times on SMF. Look for the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of this page to do a Search for "Deer Tallow". Be sure to check the "Titles Only box" to avoid a sunami of reponses.

That being said, I received a Deer Tallow bar in a Swap many, many years ago. The main thing I remember about it is that it had an unpleasant "gamey" odor. Other than that, it was a VERY nice bar.

Read this post for advice about using Oakmoss to offset the odor of animal fats.
I just made my first batch at 100% deer tallow. As in, my first batch of soap ever. It was/is an adventure of not quite right, and I am having fun. I don’t have anything useful to add, but I’ll be watching this thread carefully!

It is my intention to soap primarily with deer tallow for a variety of person reasons (My other possible oils are local lard and local cold pressed sunflower oil).

I’m pretty happy with my rendering process at this point, not meaty even to more discerning noses than mine.

But I really, really like the smell of oakmoss. How serendipitous… 😁

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