Hard bar of soap

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I have a 2 ounce glycerin soap in my shower since Christmas that is still in the shower. I only use glycerin M&P soap as facial soap.

My CP soaps usually last about 1 to 1.5 months. Some of them I get sick of the smell and want to try another fragrance. Like the oatmeal milk and honey has been in the shower for 4 months now. I lost interest in that particular bar within a week of using it (cuz I don't like that fragrance to begin with). Only my husband uses it, which is why it's lasted this long. My son & I have been through 2 other bars in the 4 months the hubby's been using the OMH.

All the bars are pretty big bars to begin with, approximately 6-8 oz. each. I always cut off a nice big chunk of soap for personal use when I make a batch of soap.

It seems the fragrances that I really like are the ones that disappear faster than the ones I don't though.

I cannot really compare how long a bar of soap lasts in my household compared to commercial brands. We used only shower gels before I ventured into soap making.

I have a botched lavender GM soap we have been using as hand soap several times daily X's 3 people. It's been in the soap dish for about 3 months as well. This was also a pretty large bar, and now it's about half an inch thick.

This is the first house I have lived in that had hard water. I do notice a big difference with lather of any soap. Even shower gels didn't lather as well using it with a puff. Plus our water here has a lot of sand particles in it as well. I am constantly taking off the screens from the faucets and dumping sand and tiny pebbles from the screens. I never had any issue like this when I lived up North.

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