H.R. 5786 - 'Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010'

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:( Sounds like a big mess Jez. Thanks for the perspective, I knew there was regulation but I didn't know the extent. I think it varies to from country to country right?

This is why Americans are pretty upset about this. Our country doesn't usually have that much intrusion into our lives in general and our small businesses. That is what always set America apart- our freedom and now it all seems to be changing.

I have no issues with safety and proper ingredient labeling, etc..it's the fee's and the red tape associated.
Apparently, they tried this in 2008 and it never made it out of commitee to the house so hopefully, the same thing will happen again. I'm thinking it will be shelved again with all the other more pressing issues on the plates of Congress.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :D
I really feel like I am getting kicked while I'm down with this stuff. Before I dove into soaping, I was a seamstress of cloth diapers and other children's apparel/items. Then the lead crap came out (from BIG companies, of course), and then the CPSIA stepped in to make sure everyone was in compliance with new lead safety laws. This makes it very time consuming and tedious to continur making children's products. It will soon be very expensive as well as 3rd party testing will also be required of finished products soon enough.

The kicker: Matel was one of the WORST offenders of having unsafe lead levels in their products on the shelves...and they are EXEMPT from this tedious process as they have made a deal with Big Brother that they will provide their own testing within their own facilities...yeah, cause obviously they will ALWAYS be on the up and up in the privacy of their own warehouses :roll:

Anyway, so I took up soaping and now I have to go through this stress again, wondering if its even worth it to start the process of selling. Its very disheartening.

Please remember, the government has ZERO interest in whats BEST for everyone or anyone. We sit around wondering why in the world they would do this to the little guys when we seem to be the GOOD guys...well we aren't making them enough money or affording them enough power, thats why. They truly do intend to take over the world, and so many Americans are fine to sit back and watch it happen.
Just my 2 scents-Having looked at it-what is REALLY missing is a type of business "requirement"-quite a few of the issues it would help with are things that GIGANTIC cosmetic companies are getting away with thru loopholes. (Ie-the FDA approved THIS much of the chemical that is known to cause cancer....but they aren't currently required to put how much they use, just that they use it).

I would say the bill is fine with the requirements-but somebody obviously lobbied to not have an employee requirement or monetary requirement added. (having it be blanket instead)

For example: for a LONG time employers with less than 100 employees got certain types of insurance breaks. Seems if the bill said a company with, oh 150 employees on payroll should adhere. Or a company making 6.5 or 7 figures should be required to adhere-those are the companies interested in using the loopholes for ingredients...not me, in my garage.....or the small time company that has 20 employees.

The reporting of suppliers is also iffy. I mean the requirements include dates and amounts....hmmmm-maybe they think we're making drugs. ;)
Hi guys! I'm new here...very new here....but just wanted to throw my two cents in.

The fee structure will be left to the agency to decide AFTER the bill passes. Scary stuff.

This will truly impact all small businesses in the B&B industry...our friends, neighbors, mothers trying to provide for their families...etc. Most likely, this is the true intent behind the proposed legislation.

Look, the way I see it....the FDA is already charged with keeping us safe and they do a piss poor job (at best)...passing this bill will NOT change that, but it will change many things for the small businesses out there, and will prevent many small businesses from forming.

People like us are making a difference by bringing wholesome products to market...collectively we are making a dent in the big businesses who use chemicals. (Probably why the legislation was designed). Let's work together to shoot this bill down...and then keep doing what we do best - make good products, spread the word, and educate more and more people on the benefits of natural products.

Also, if this bill is passed, it will be nothing for them to add soap to the regulation if they want to. A LOT easier than passing a bill is.

The Bill is currently in two committees for review and approval. Here is the contact page for each committee so that you can weigh in on your point of view - whether for or against.

Committee on Energy and Commerce http://archives.energycommerce.house.go ... form.shtml

Committee on Education and Labor:
202-225-3725 (oddly enough, they don't provide a way to contact them...we should try to change that as well)
hray said:
Hi guys! I'm new here...very new here....but just wanted to throw my two cents in.

The fee structure will be left to the agency to decide AFTER the bill passes. Scary stuff.

This will truly impact all small businesses in the B&B industry...our friends, neighbors, mothers trying to provide for their families...etc. Most likely, this is the true intent behind the proposed legislation.

Look, the way I see it....the FDA is already charged with keeping us safe and they do a piss poor job (at best)...passing this bill will NOT change that, but it will change many things for the small businesses out there, and will prevent many small businesses from forming.

People like us are making a difference by bringing wholesome products to market...collectively we are making a dent in the big businesses who use chemicals. (Probably why the legislation was designed). Let's work together to shoot this bill down...and then keep doing what we do best - make good products, spread the word, and educate more and more people on the benefits of natural products.

Also, if this bill is passed, it will be nothing for them to add soap to the regulation if they want to. A LOT easier than passing a bill is.

The Bill is currently in two committees for review and approval. Here is the contact page for each committee so that you can weigh in on your point of view - whether for or against.

Committee on Energy and Commerce http://archives.energycommerce.house.go ... form.shtml

Committee on Education and Labor:
202-225-3725 (oddly enough, they don't provide a way to contact them...we should try to change that as well)

Hear, hear.
Here's the full letter I just sent to that link to the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Not the greatest letter, but I felt good sending it.

I am strongly opposed to HR 5786. I own a natural soap company, http://barsoapnatural.com, and have written several blogs about this bill at http://barsoapnatural.com/blog/. I feel that this bill is overreaching in it's attempt to regulate cosmetic products.

If the true intent of this bill is to keep toxic chemicals out of our personal care products, then why is it also going to effect those of us creating products that DO NOT have these chemicals in them? I use Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil and Natural Essential Oils to make my soaps. I do not use things that are not approved by the FDA for cosmetic use. I already follow the rules, but will be required to jump through more hoops (registering my suppliers, batch numbers, gross sales, number of employees) to stay in business.

I am a SMALL, one-person sole proprietorship. I am helping to support my family with my small-profit business. The bill you are considering will put me out of business because I will be unable to afford the required testing of my products. This legislation HURTS small business. It treats SAFE product makers the same as corporate giants who use questionably safe ingredients.

The fact that I will not have to pay the proposed fees upfront really doesn't matter. The companies that do have to pay fees will trickle those costs down to us when we buy supplies, and also to the consumer, who will have less money to buy our safe products.

My blog was featured under the Highest Rated blogs on http://opencongress.org. I would appreciate you reading it, or going to the link I posted at the top of this comment. Additionally, I am a member of the Indie Business Network, and would suggest their site, http://opposeSCA.com for more information and comments from people like me. Thank you so much for your time, and consideration.

Erin Lee
Good job, Erin. That's an awesome letter. There's nothing wrong with straight talk from a real person. Beats a bunch of BS from politicians no matter how "refined" they sound.
I also wrote a note to stacy malkin (the creator of the dumb YouTube video)- and get this.... SHE WROTE ME BACK!! I had to join The Huffington Post to do so, but it was worth it for the dialog.

Here's a link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Er ... 03345.html

You can "friend" me if you'd like. It looks so pathetic that my little "ErinsSoaps" icon says I have no friends..... :)
Your not getting a news source out of Huff post= they are biased at best! But I posted your reply on my Facebook. :)

Here's the thing:
It sounds scary but this will never go through. They tried this in 2008 and it never made it out of committee.

My husband is on my representatives security detail and he said this will never make it out of committee at all.

The way it works:
The bill is proposed which it was. Then it goes to a committee to see if it goes to the house of representatives- if it goes to the house- they vote, if it's yes, it goes to a Senate committee then it goes to the Senate and a yes it goes to the Prez.

These politicians have wayyyyy bigger things on their plate than this- think immigration and health care challenges.

We will yet again dodge another bullet. But on the downside- the big companies also dodge that bullet.
thank you!! (forgot for a minute that this was a soap forum!!).... been so busy lobbying and all...

I wrote to John Stossel last week, along with FoxNews Desk, Laura Ingram, and Fox Business News. Don't expect answers, but I thought, "why not?"

And trust me, I did not join Huffington for their news...oh, no no no. I had to create an account to post a comment to a blog article Stacy Malkin wrote for them. It made me sick to my stomach to fill out the "register here" page- I am NO huffington supporter-- blechk blechk, double blechk!!!!! But to post an opposing opinion on their site felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good, and to got a response from the co-founder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics herself????? I was stunned. But fired back!!!
If your writing to Fox...definitely not on Huff Po's side. Good job girlfriend! Keep it up!
It really can't hurt writing to everyone you can. I have put in a few letters myself.
But honestly, I don't think we have anything to worry about.

Everyone keep comparing this to the hand made toy makers- but they stopped the testing requirement for small business. It just wasn't flying.

I guess I do too much research on things myself.
So after writing that last post, I went to opencongress to see what everyone's writing about today...


OpenCongress.org picked up that Huffington Post dialogue I just posted about here!!!

here's a link: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h5786/news_blogs

Our system allows us to voice our opinions and effect policy. Whether this gets killed in committee or later, I feel a burning duty to be involved in it's demise.
Welcome to Europe in the USA... :oops:

It's going to burn you up looking at that.

By the way- those 2 ladies could benefit from some natural mineral makeup. Anyone willing to help 2 ladies out??