H.R. 5786 - 'Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010'

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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Tallahassee, Florida
Every soaper who sells or is even thinking about selling in the future, please read this post on The Soap Queen Blog (Anne-Marie Faiola, CEO of Bramble Berry). The draft legislation in H.R. 5786 would virtually destroy cottage industry soapers. Educate yourself, and write to your Representative today.

The Soap Queen's Blog Post

Mods - Feel free to move this to the general business forum. I posted it here hoping it would get more traffic.
I received the notice of this bill from the HSMG. The position of the guild is that they are against this bill because it is not clearly written. The way I understand it, it would only require a couple of forms to be completed every year....annoying paperwork but nothing more. And only for products meeting the definition of a cosmetic. Soap that is sold only as soap would still be exempt. Is there more to the bill that should worry us? I'm not sure I'd personally be against it otherwise. What else is buried in the umpteen pages of the bill?
I'm still reading through the draft. I had the same thought about soaps that are only sold as soap (i.e., not cosmetics or drugs), not sure where that leaves us 'true' soapers. When I finish reading the draft, I'll post what I learn.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfq000AF1i8&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfq000AF ... r_embedded[/ame]

I found this little movie about this topic and I thought I would share. The way she puts it makes more than perfect sense ans I can't believe that this is JUST now being put to vote. Look at the info and decide for yourselves. I personally support the legislation. I am not brewing for a debate, just stating that from what I have read and watched, I don't see how this bill could be a bad thing. That's my personal opinion. I would love to hear what other people think about it too. :)
I'm so excited to post this for everyone!!!

Sign the petition to oppose this legislation. "Simple" paperwork and documentation will cripple our abilities to be profitable in this business. The writers meant well, but this legislation, as written, is not the answer.

http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/oppose ... 435043/taf

I'm all for reforming things, as long as the reform will take us to a BETTER place.
The youtube link is cool and I was glad to watch it. I just don't know if it specifically addresses the legislation.

I have not read it yet but I agree we could use some more policing of this industry and many others. I just don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater (so to speak) and kill the business for small soap makers by making it more about red tape than about actual safety.

I think most of us do a great job of choosing safe ingredients and do our best to label clearly and accurately... not to mention how well we support each other in figuring out how to do those things.
xyxoxy said:
The youtube link is cool and I was glad to watch it. I just don't know if it specifically addresses the legislation.

I have not read it yet but I agree we could use some more policing of this industry and many others. I just don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater (so to speak) and kill the business for small soap makers by making it more about red tape than about actual safety.

I think most of us do a great job of choosing safe ingredients and do our best to label clearly and accurately... not to mention how well we support each other in figuring out how to do those things.

I agree and I don't think that this act is not going to hit the big guys, all their cancer causing ingredients have been cleared by the FDA for use even though they are linked to cancer. Nothing will change for them.

It sure sounds like it will change for small business owners though.
I've been fired up about this all evening!!

The problem with the video isn't the truth that they share about many products containing harmful chemicals. The problem is the solution that they propose. Absurdly Overreaching Regulation.

I've read the bill- google it, and you can read it too. We will ALL need to report:
-# of employees we have
-gross profit
-names and addresses of all suppliers for every ingredient we use
-changes in our formulations and suppliers within 60 days of making a change...

Can you imagine the nightmare that would create when deciding to get this month's supplies from a cheaper supplier? Or how about if you want to try out 8 new essential oil blends? Every last change you make will require documents to be filed. I think that's ludicrous.
If the issue is that manufacturers are using ingredients that haven't been deemed safe, then create a list of safe ones, and say it's illegal to use the others. I don't see the need for registrations, documents, change orders, filing, fees, etc. etc. etc. (the fees only apply for business with gross profit of $1 million or more/yr). Can you imagine the nightmare that the people assigned to COLLECT all this paperwork will be going through????
Just the name of the proposed legislation makes me mad!!!!
The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010. So, by opposing it, I'm opposing Safe Cosmetics???? It looks really funny on my facebook page... "I LOVE ALL- NATURAL SOAP, but sign this petition to help me oppose Safe Cosmetics!!!"
Haven't made up my mind yet, but the part that's ridiculous to me is that the FDA doesn't have the manpower to regulate us now; how do they expect to enforce the new regulations?
*climbs up on soapbox*

"They" want a bigger government, more regulations require more government employees (which in turn requires more taxes and fees on small business).
FWIW, While I don't agree with all the points of the legislation, I have been submitting my formulas for the products I sell to the FDA as part of the Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP) through the FDA for the past couple of years. It is a little bit of paperwork, but I don't find it to be a burden.

Any employees I would have (if I had them...) would be reported through my states employment commission when I would file my payroll taxes.

My gross profits, and my expenses are reported in both my state and Federal taxes.

My real interest is in the fee structure. I want to sit down and read the bill and see what the plans are in that regard.
OMG! My blog was picked up by www.opencongress.org for this bill!!!

while I understand that it's just paperwork for many of us, and not fees... it is still horribly overreaching legislation. The issue is that there are ingredients that are not safe to use, and some companies are using them anyway. The FDA needs to enforce regulations that are already on the books. Or, they need to ban the ingredients rather than just regulating them. Then, resources need to be provided that will allow them to enforce it.

BUT, to make a blanket law that will cause even a soapcrafter who wants to try apricot kernal oil for a change, register that change with the gov't and report who their supplier is, and what batch # the oil is from, etc., is ludicrous. The FDA won't have the time or resources to keep up with this.

The cute little video is about HARMFUL chemicals in cosmetics. It is not about natural oils. Therefore, as persuasive as the video is in exposing the lack of common sense companies use regarding the ingredients they choose, and the lack of an up to date list of banned chemicals, or the lack of oversight regarding those chemicals, the BILL IS OVER REACHING.

The paperwork that would be required may not be difficult to fill out, it may not require additional employees to get it done, it may not inconvenience us much at all, but it should not be REQUIRED for those of us using safe, approved ingredients. Do you remember the term 'busy work?' Unnecessary, but essentially harmless, though time consuming. I don't want my gov't creating busy work for me, when I'm following the rules and making safe products.

Maybe the answer isn't to make all of us submit needless paperwork that won't be looked at anyway.
The answer is to DEVELOP a complete list of un-usable ingredients, and ENFORCE it.
Interesting thread... I couldn't watch the whole youtube video tho - too dumbdowning and very agenda-oriented imo... I'm a simple 'let the buyer beware' kind of person.

I don't mind this particular thing, but when you add it up with everything else, it sure does seem like the smart have to look after the dumb from now on.... man, I tried wording that nicely, but that was as good as I could get lol.
just another case of rules made for the stupid, that we'll have to follow.

But it's far from a done deal!! Sign the petition opposing it!!! Write to your reps!!!

Reform is great, when it's great reform! This ain't it. :) :)

Best Natural Soap said:
I've been fired up about this all evening!!

The problem with the video isn't the truth that they share about many products containing harmful chemicals. The problem is the solution that they propose. Absurdly Overreaching Regulation.

I've read the bill- google it, and you can read it too. We will ALL need to report:
-# of employees we have
-gross profit
-names and addresses of all suppliers for every ingredient we use
-changes in our formulations and suppliers within 60 days of making a change...

Can you imagine the nightmare that would create when deciding to get this month's supplies from a cheaper supplier? Or how about if you want to try out 8 new essential oil blends? Every last change you make will require documents to be filed. I think that's ludicrous.
If the issue is that manufacturers are using ingredients that haven't been deemed safe, then create a list of safe ones, and say it's illegal to use the others. I don't see the need for registrations, documents, change orders, filing, fees, etc. etc. etc. (the fees only apply for business with gross profit of $1 million or more/yr). Can you imagine the nightmare that the people assigned to COLLECT all this paperwork will be going through????
Just the name of the proposed legislation makes me mad!!!!
The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010. So, by opposing it, I'm opposing Safe Cosmetics???? It looks really funny on my facebook page... "I LOVE ALL- NATURAL SOAP, but sign this petition to help me oppose Safe Cosmetics!!!"

This reminds me of what I heard they do to soapers in Europe, Canada, and Australia. They also can only buy from government run suppliers or something like that.

It sounds like that is where we are headed.
It's all ridiculous...go after Johnson and Johnson, the big guys. They need to stay the heck away from us and also realize that we are still the USA not Canada or Europe...
It just all makes me so sick at this point.
This wasn't the hope and change I was looking for. :(
xyxoxy said:
The youtube link is cool and I was glad to watch it. I just don't know if it specifically addresses the legislation.

I have not read it yet but I agree we could use some more policing of this industry and many others. I just don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater (so to speak) and kill the business for small soap makers by making it more about red tape than about actual safety.

I think most of us do a great job of choosing safe ingredients and do our best to label clearly and accurately... not to mention how well we support each other in figuring out how to do those things.

That video doesn't address the legislation. It addresses the big companies not us. For the most part as soapers we are better versed at ingredients and choose our ingredients or bases for those who use them wisely. We specifically make our products for a reason and that is too stay away from these ingredients.

Maybe the government should start with the big guys- they sell millions of products every day- they should be the targets. If you agree with the US government targeting anyone. But that could be a whole other debate.
Stinkydancer said:
Best Natural Soap said:
It just all makes me so sick at this point.
This wasn't the hope and change I was looking for. :(

I agree and I hope that things like this will make some of us rethink how involved we want our government to be in our business and personal affairs. If the current administration had their heads on right they would be doing something about getting our country off of foreign oil. But apparently they would rather waste time with piddly little stuff like this, so they can make more money off the backs of the hard working Americans.
yeah!! Oppose the Safe Cosmetic Act!!

Can I just tell you how happy you've all made me by keeping this conversation going??

I know to some it just seems like politics, but it is about our businesses, and our livelihoods. I have a PASSION for good-for-you soap!

If we, as soapcrafters, and Indie's in general, don't band together and let people know how wrong this legislation is, it could easily pass and effect us all. What's more, a lot of the blogs out there SUPPORT the bill because they say "We need to do SOMETHING about toxic chemicals in the nation's personal care products." Well, we all agree that something should be done. But this bill isn't it. Many of the folks supporting it, are basing their support on that dumb YouTube video put out by The Campaign For Safe Cosmetics (which, if you're a member of- you should write to them and question why they support this bill, which threatens so many of their members). I tried posting several comments on their FB page, but they kept deleting them...go figure!:)

Each of us needs to link to the petition to oppose HR5786. Blog about it. Tell your representatives about it. Tell your CUSTOMERS about it. It really should enrage us all, that the big companies will go along with whatever legislation is passed, because they have the resources to do it, while the rest of us will suffer. Someone wrote to me yesterday that most regulation is meant to squelch the little guys, so the government can more easily oversee the others. I don't know if I agree, but this sure seems like that. What is really their motive in creating such an overreaching bill that hurts the very companies providing safe alternatives to the toxic junk, and so negatively effects small businesses in such tough economic times?

Here's the link to the petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/oppose ... ct-of-2010

Thanks everyone!! Let's support EACH OTHER and the homecrafted soap industry on this one!!

Keep talking!!! I love it!!!
Stinkeydancer, i am in germany and am looking into selling my soap in the future. I have many hoops to jump through first. I have to gave all of my recipies evaluated each recipe will get its own certified number. That cost a ton! Everything has to be listed. I have to informe several gov. Agencies that I am working with a dangerous chemical (lye) they have the right to inspect at any given time. I have to have a room to soap in in which NOTHING else happens. It has to be completely tiled, ventilated, and needs 2 sinks. I must have a seperate room to cure my soaps. Legally I am not even Allowed to give my soaps as a gift without this.

Funny thing... I can sell as much laundry soap or dog shampoo without doing any of this...

Just letting you know how it is on the other side of the pond... :wink:

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