Greetings from Germany

Soapmaking Forum

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2015
Reaction score
Berlin, Germany
Hi everyone!

My name is Max, I'm from Germany and today I made my very first batch of soap.

So far, I've been able to gather all the information I needed from various blogs and youtube videos, but now I'd like to try some more things so I thought I'd join you guys.

For cooking, I have a motto: "A recipe is perfect when there's not a single thing you could leave out". I think for me, this motto also transfers to making soap.

Following that motto, my first batch is an unscented 100% coconut soap with 20% superfat. It's not pretty because I need some more practice cutting straight pieces, but otherwise, I have a good feeling about it.

I've been reading a bit through this forum and it seems to be a really diverse community, so I don't think I'll be the only one around here who likes to keep things simple.
Thanks for the nice and welcoming words!

And "thanks" for making me lick my soap. Admit it, the whole "zap test" thing is just a prank on the newbies! :sick:
Ah, I know some people from Berlin - one of our Trauzeuginnen (there is no really good English word for that) lives there, and also a chap from where I work here comes from there and is back there to visit his parents from time to time.
Hi Max, I think the greatest favor you can do yourself is to start simple. Soapmaking is not difficult, but it can be tricky, so the more comfortable you are with the basics, the better you'll be able to handle complications when they come along. And as for your soap not being "pretty".....I don't think any of us got into soapmaking because we didnt' think the store bought soap we'd been using wasn't pretty enough. We wanted soap without all the junk, and with wonderful, skin loving ingredients. So if it's cut a little wonky, or looks a little funky, but it makes my skin feel amazing, then it's still "pretty" to me!
Thanks for explaining, Craig. In the US, the matron/maid of honor and the best man are generally also the witnesses who sign the marriage license. I guess the witnessing doesn't have a special word in English, but it's part of their duties.