Momsta, looks like overheating to me, too. Also, b/c I don't like partial gel I either CPOP (40 ms to an hour at 150 and then take it out) or, it is something that is likely to get tricky in the oven (lots of sugar, CO or or the like) put the soap in the freezer for a bit and then the fridge. I don't know if living in LA is helpful w/the comparison thing, since those are both extremes, but it does make the soap go one way or another.
Also, if you want to try gelling w/o an oven, Home Depot sells small styrofoam coolers for about a buck, you could try towel wrapping and sticking the soaps in them ...
ETA: I just took a closer look at your recipe, I was thinking maybe the amount of sugar made it over heat, but you had about 2TB w/around 50-55-ish oz of oils, right? Sorry, just tried to keep a vague count in my head. That is not an outrageous amount, although I use less. The only other thing I could think of was the jasmine e.o., I wondered if the floral component could kicked in (I don't use jasmine e.o. b/c it is too expensive in soap so not sure from personal experience).
The good news is, is that that looks like a good basic recipe, so once you cut it up into bars and it cures it will (a) look nice and (b) be a good and good-feeling soap.