Dandelion? What does your recipe look like in finished soap with no color, no scent?
Sometimes the color of the oils tends to run a little yellow or orangey. That can throw off the end result and a little blue is needed to overcome the tint from the oils. Also, test your recipe with no color, just the FO/EO. If your scent is tinting your base you'll need to account for that.
It's all about the testing.
This may not help anyone else, but when I test a new FO/EO or blend I make a small batch with either 100% CO or Crisco/Shortening. I'm not trying to make great soap when I do that, just see what the FO/EO is going to do to my oils. Morph the color, discolor (vanilla), or accelerate. I let it sit about 4 weeks and note the changes at regular intervals. PIA sometimes, but it makes for less surprises when I need to make lots of soap.