Green Organic Bananas

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
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So I bought Green Organic Bananas. Not the 1st time I have bought Organic Bananas but 1st time I have bought them this green.

This was over a week ago........... They are only a TAD less green.

Should I let them sit in the sun on the deck?
In a paper bag in a cabinet?
Toss them?

I have seriously Never seen a Banana stay green for more then 2 days.
A paper bag will help, but I once had a professor say that putting them on top of a fridge would work well. It has something to do with activating the enzymes that ripen the bananas. Good luck!
Put an apple in the bag with them. The apple releases ethylene gas that speeds up ripening of most fruit. I’m with Miss DeeAnna and wondering if you picked up plantains instead.
Do NOT put them in the fridge. It will make the peels brown but will not ripen the insides.

I'd go with paper bag with apple or tomato inside. You need more ethylene.
Not Plantains, I thought that too but not only is it taped and marked organic bananas it is not the correct size / shape as plantains

I will try the bag, thanks. I just have never seen it take this long, regular or organic. I must have gotten a bunch that had Just got big enough to pick ;)
My brother eats them while they are still green. I tried it myself a couple of times when I didn't want to wait. They still taste like bananas. You can also fry them green, if you like fried bananas with your breakfast or another meal.
I found the receipt, they are not just shy of 3 weeks and just turned enough to eat. I had one this morning
I did try to eat one a couple days ago thinking that maybe they would be ok......... not.

I like room temp bananas, it is like dessert for me