Great Scott! I think I've done it!!!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2010
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Haha, did you like the title? That's how I feel right now!!

Caution: I'm feeling really silly tonight for some reason... the post below reflects that!

I was playing around in the kitchen being silly with my soapmaking (Hahaha do you wanna know what I used? I made stock from a slew of animal bones I'd saved, and I used the fat that floats to the top, bacon grease, and the stock jelly!! I wanted to make 100% meat soap! Kinda novelty...)

When ALAS! My mixture riced! It was an imprecise mixture... imprecise meaning I measure out everything meticulously then added more liquid and oil (recklessly laughing all the while) so it was over-hydrated and superfatted out the wazoo, but I REALLY wanted to save it so when mixing and mixing and mixing didn't work I stuck the whole thing in the freezer, thinking it would cream better as a semi-solid.

After a while it looked like it was working, so I put the seemingly fully blended mixure back in the freezer until the whole ensemble was solid (Did I mention my oils and "liquid" were solid to begin with? So they weren't frozen like ice... just cooler than room temperature) and mixed some more.

Solid it was difficult to work with, so I heated it up slightly while mixing, taking it off the heat after a few seconds, mixing the batter until I thought the molecules thoroughly shuffled, heating for a few seconds, mixing, repeated on until it was slightly warmer than room temperature. Excitement! It stayed creamed! Like it were at a super thick trace!
So I glopped it into a mold and stuffed under blankets... where it is now!!

So I guess what I really want to know is, can you whip 100% olive oil a la Nizzy, or do you need a solid oil in there like coconut, palm, or a butter?

Oops! Found My answer! (Which is no ;'<)

Of course I'll try anyway, I have a few ideas about making it work... Thanks for anyone who stopped by, I hope you enjoyed my frivolity!! <3
isn't it nice when we can entertain ourselves, lol! :p You must be a mad woman, Kim. But it's all fun...I wish I'd take more time to "play" with my soapmaking... :wink:
jadiebugs1 said:
Not just an ordinary full moon's the BLOOD MOON!

(yeah, I have no idea what that means, but it's on my daughter's 'witch' calendar, lol!)

A "blood moon" is a full or near-full moon that is dark red when it rises. It's usually considered a bad omen, an omen of war.
The Blood Moon in this case actually refers to a certain moon of the year. In folklore each full moon has a name. The Blood Moon is actually better known as the Hunter's Moon, and is the full moon that occurs after the Harvest Moon, which is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox.

They're named for characteristics of the time of year. The Hunter's/Blood Moon was said to be bright and easy to hunt by. (It may also have to do with just being a good, fat time to hunt, traditionally.) The March moon is called the Storm Moon because it is typically a time of wild, shifting weather patterns. Etc.

Some names of the moons:

January: Wolf/Hunger/Old Moon
February: Snow/Ice Moon
March: Worm/Sap/Sugaring/Storm/Seed/Crow Moon
April: Growing/Pink/Egg/Grass/Rain/Wind Moon
May: Flower/Hare/Planting/Milk Moon
June: Strawberry/Mead/Honey/Rose Moon
July: Buck/Hay/Deer/Thunder Moon
August: Sturgeon/Corn/Fruit/Barley Moon
September: Harvest Moon
October : Hunter's/Blood Moon
November: Beaver/Snow/Frosty Moon
December: Cold/Winter/Long Night Moon

As you can see there are many variations!

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