Arthur Dent
Well-Known Member
I would have just sat down and cried. I lost all of my grandmother's cast iron to Hurricane Rita.
I thought for years that these were gone. Dad's sisters fought over all of grandma's stuff when she passed, all the good stuff disappeared pretty quickly and none of them would ever admit to having it. To this day the cousins all swear that they have no idea where that stuff went (those aunts are gone now).
The skillets are in remarkably good condition considering how long they have been in storage. Grandma passed away in... 1976 or so, and I don't remember mom or dad either one using them. Of course I was a teenager at the time and wasn't really paying attention to things like that, so who knows? Anyway, whenever they were "put up" they were just oiled and put in a box and there they sat for who knows how long. It could be that dad got them out and re oiled them from time to time, he doesn't remember now. The oil is all moldy and pretty funky now, but that wipes off, and underneath they are wonderfully seasoned. I can't wait to get them all cleaned up and ready for use again. Don't worry, I know how to treat cast iron.