This reminds me of when I received a small shipment of FO's from a company (not sure which one now) a couple years ago. It was delivered by UPS. The driver was a bit "ticked off" with me concerning the shipment. Well, hey let's be frank - he was mad as hell. One of the bottles leaked out while he was driving. It happened to be the Lavender FO. His truck smelled strongly of it and he was being kidded about his particularly strong French perfume he was wearing. This kidding was by the ladies on his route. Guys looked at him rather suspiciously. He was so embarrassed and afraid to go back to the UPS terminal and be kidded by his co-workers. He yelled at me to "tell that (beep...beep, beep) perfume company to pack their (beep...beep) shipments better." Oh, he said plenty of beepy words! Poor guy. I couldn't help but laugh after he left. :mrgreen: I was afraid to do so in front of him! As for me, I left the box outside and had to wash all the other bottles and throw box and packing peanuts into double trash bags. WOW was it strong!