My dad requested some beer soap so I've been trying to read up on it. I've learned that the beer needs to be boiled first to reduce alcohol or carbonation or both and that there are differing opinions about when to add it. With milk I freeze it and slowly add the lye without extra water in there. Seems that's one way to make beer soap and apparently it smells terrible. Some people advise adding the beer to oils first. Then another way is to reduce it a lot and add the syrup at trace.
Those that make beer soap, what's your favorite method?
How much beer do you start with for x-size batch and how much do you usually reduce it?
Do you use beer as the only liquid or add water as well? Would you use a strong beer syrup for all or most of your liquid?
Guess if you add it at trace then that answer would be no, but then what percent is a good amount to start with and then adjust for? (I usually do 33% lye concentration and my math is terrible. Thank god for the calculators - and this forum!)
Those that make beer soap, what's your favorite method?
How much beer do you start with for x-size batch and how much do you usually reduce it?
Do you use beer as the only liquid or add water as well? Would you use a strong beer syrup for all or most of your liquid?
Guess if you add it at trace then that answer would be no, but then what percent is a good amount to start with and then adjust for? (I usually do 33% lye concentration and my math is terrible. Thank god for the calculators - and this forum!)