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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin
Here is the photo of the Goats milk soap with woad. Am I posting in the wrong place? Moved
Is this what woad does? I like it, but it's not pale blue

Thank you. It smells fantastic. I love the EO combination. This is a good color... soap making is a good exercise in the unexpected. I want to try alkanet next.
Thanks for the feed back. It is really helpful to hear encouraging words.
Those look great! I've only used woad twice - once with indigo (a pretty gray-blue that got bluer when used in the shower) and another time by itself in a buttermilk batch. Those bars were very green. I wonder if its the milk that makes the woad green? We should experiment. :)
That is a pretty bar. A nice serene color. But I also was under the impression that Woad would give a light blue. I haven't had the pleasure of trying it yet. I wonder if it would be more of a light blue if it was in a batch without a milk of any kind.
It looks wonderful to me! Even if it was not what you expected it to be :) I agree that making soap, especially when you are new at it (like me), a lot of it is experimentation and getting the unexpected :) What did you scent it with?
It could be the milk or it could be from any of your yellow oils (essential oils, macadamia oil, castor, etc).
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I find it very helpful.
I have chickens, too. You must have americauna or aruacanas.... they are super and nice temperaments. My favorite are the dark brown egg layers. I have two of those in my little city flock of five- a welsummer and a coucou maran. They both lay the chocolate eggs.
I think that Genny is right --the EO's and the yellowish oils are contributors to the greenishness. Also, the milk did turn bright yellow when it mixed with the lye. So probably that, too. Next time I try woad it will be in a non milk soap.
It is scented with lavender, frankincense and chamomile. Great smell.
oh my, I love this!!! My soap recipes turn pretty yellow from my oils, would using titan. oxide help make it a lighter blue?? Where should I buy woad? I've never used it. Always learning new things in the soap world.

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