if you don't want to make it clear, you can simply add titanium dioxide. that is actually what the difference is b/w clear and opaque mp bases.
there is this lady on youtube:
she rebatched a cp and turned it into an mp simply by doing the normal steps in rebatching, and adding solvents at the end to make it into a mp consistency. in that video, she turned a cp into a hp, mp, and ls. very interesting.
one of her comments, as far as how much solvents are needed:
You can take any recipe either as a rebatch or from the beginning process and use it as a MP recipe. PG up to 25% however depending on oils you can go as low as 5-7%.(depending on how may times you need to melt it).. Sorbitol is also used, but it can also be left out depending on your oils, if my highest % is cococut then i use sorbitol. If you are using a recipe from the beginning, and i recommend a cure time before you remelt and scent.