Well-Known Member
For the curious!
Oh, that's awesome! I am a sucker for glow in the dark stuff- may I ask where you got it?
Neat! That is a fabulous soap. I just made a glow-in-the-dark soap for Halloween, but I don't think I used enough of the glow powder. Mine glows, but it's faint. If you don't mind me asking Rusti; how much powder did you use to get that gorgeous glow?
I wouldn't mind playing around with some of that mica. Anyone know of a reliable source?
I got the powder I used from Vicious Beauties - she has a business/group page on facebook and has quite a few things. She tests most of her stuff, I think. I saw this stuff in action in cold process soap before I placed my order.
I checked out Facebook via Google-ing the name. All I found was a closed group. Messaged one of the two admins if there was a website I could purchase her products, Pam Viccaro, and received the following response (very quickly I might add)...
"No i don't. I stay away from websites because they can't calculate shipping well, especially for what i carry. 10 lbs of botanicals would take a lot more space than 10 lbs butter, so I just do it here on fb and invoice through paypal".
I am a bit confused, as I can google quite a few other stores that sell botanicals and butter that seem to have figured out how to calculate shipping. this is the group I got them from. I didn't have any trouble getting what I ordered and they seem to have lots of happy buyers. You do have to join the group and comment/message to order instead of doing it through a site, but it's not any different than, say, getting in on Carolyn's dragons blood order.