Groan :-(
I've been making soap for years, but I make it for my household (not for sale) and therefore do it seldom enough to always be like a beginner? So I started with a recipe I've used successfully before, measured my ingredients with a scale, and put it all together. At some point along this process, I remembered that my stick blender had broken last time and I had neglected to replace it. Figuring I would stir it by hand, I settled in with a large plastic spatula/spoon and prepared for the long haul. After forever, nothing had happened. I was falling asleep, so I decided to let it cook and check it every so often. It never did anything, so finally I figured I must have measured something wrong. Since there was no reaction, I figured it was the lye and remeasured the amount again. It seemed like more than I remembered scooping out before (something like 4 scoops instead of 2), so I added the amount the recipe called for minus what I remembered putting in before (2 scoops). This I stirred in and again, nothing happened. Checking in on it every 30 minutes or so, I left it cooking for several hours. Finally, it was kind of foamy and bubbly on top when I came back the last time, except it was clear underneath. Turned it off and went to bed. Next day, it has some foam on top but seems thick and clear underneath, so I tried using some of it. Not lathery at all. Didn't seem lye-heavy, which is nearly impossible...
Don't know what to do with it now... Any suggestions?
I've been making soap for years, but I make it for my household (not for sale) and therefore do it seldom enough to always be like a beginner? So I started with a recipe I've used successfully before, measured my ingredients with a scale, and put it all together. At some point along this process, I remembered that my stick blender had broken last time and I had neglected to replace it. Figuring I would stir it by hand, I settled in with a large plastic spatula/spoon and prepared for the long haul. After forever, nothing had happened. I was falling asleep, so I decided to let it cook and check it every so often. It never did anything, so finally I figured I must have measured something wrong. Since there was no reaction, I figured it was the lye and remeasured the amount again. It seemed like more than I remembered scooping out before (something like 4 scoops instead of 2), so I added the amount the recipe called for minus what I remembered putting in before (2 scoops). This I stirred in and again, nothing happened. Checking in on it every 30 minutes or so, I left it cooking for several hours. Finally, it was kind of foamy and bubbly on top when I came back the last time, except it was clear underneath. Turned it off and went to bed. Next day, it has some foam on top but seems thick and clear underneath, so I tried using some of it. Not lathery at all. Didn't seem lye-heavy, which is nearly impossible...
Don't know what to do with it now... Any suggestions?