So my first oven gel turned out to be my favorite soap yet, my second looks good. My third is a story. Apparently, I neglected to screw my mold together tight enough and when I went to check on my soap, half of it had melted out the bottom of the mold and into the oven. I quickly turned the oven off and put the bottom of my broiler pan under the soap to catch the leakage. I managed to get the mold out to the oven and get it onto another metal sheet to catch the dripping. I went back to the oven and the lye in the soap had reacted to the aluminum pan and there was a large bubbling mass I can only call the lye monster. I disgarded this down the kitchen sink and noticed the entire pan had been turned a black that would not come off. Went back to the soap poured the whole thing into the crock pot, and did a HP on it. The pan I had resting under it was also ruined. So poured the soap out let it harden and will have to rebatch it. I hate to waste it as it has a lot of cocoa butter in it. I threw the pans away.
Still cleaning the oven 2 days later. What an educational experience. You are right Carebear, You can't cure......Stupid.