Furbaby Friday

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Stuck in my head
So I haven't actually started a thread with the exception of my Mermaid soaps in a few years.
Decided we don't see enough pet pictures.
I love seeing peoples Furbabies. (or even pets that don't have fur!!)

Let's see yours!!

This one is of my little Maltese and my granddaughter on our way to school late last year.

That little lady is a beauty, and that is a snuggly looking pup she's got. My aunt has an older black dog that looks the same as yours.
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Oh heck yes! This is my kind of thread.

We have a pet degu, skink, turtle, crested gecko and Pembroke Welsh Corgi. For the sake of this post, I'll just post some pics of our corgi! Her name is Scout and she's 5. She's an absolute goofball.

Post the other ones too if you want too. I love seeing everyone's pets, regardless of species!!
What is a skink?
Here's one of mine, Little Bittle Kittle Cat. We usually just call her Bittle. She's a feral rescue that we got when she was maybe 7 or 8 weeks old. She'd been caught by some spay and release group, spayed FAR too young (the incision was almost completely healed when we got her, and the fur was about half grown back in so the operation had been done at least 10 days previously), and dumped back near where she'd been caught with at least two of her littermates, but no sign of a mama cat . She is, far as I know, the only survivor of her litter. The littermates she was with had both died before she was found, and she was durn near dead herself. Starved. Poor little baby was so weak when we got her that she couldn't eat dry kitten kibble. I'm pretty sure she has some brain damage (got clipped by a car when the people who brought her to me were trying to catch her)- she has severe anxiety issues, goes all twitchy and scared at the least little thing, and she's got a permanent kink in her tail where it was broken in two places near the end. But she's a super sweet little cat who so wants to be a little cuddle bug. I encourage the cuddle-bugging as much as I can, when she comes and climbs into my lap she gets all the petting and snuggles she wants. Little cat has a great big purr-motor.

Post the other ones too if you want too. I love seeing everyone's pets, regardless of species!!
What is a skink?

A skink is a type of lizard. The one we have is called a Berber skink. My fiance got him when he was in grade school, so the little guy is around 13 years old. He's a funny little guy. He likes to not-so-gracefully climb into your hair and perch atop your head and take a little nap.

I can't seem to find a photo of our red-eared slider, Rupert. He's a bit older than the skink.

The crested gecko is a more recent edition, she came along a few years ago. We didn't actually know she was a girl until she surprised us with an egg last night! That's the first time she's ever laid.

And another Scout pic for good measure... hehe.

The degus have been an interesting journey. I originally got 2 "male" degus in 2011. One of them became very plump to my surprise, then gave birth to five babies! We found out our two "boys" were actually two girls, and we had received one of them pregnant.

So we kept 3 girls: the two original degus and one baby. The remaining 3 boys went to my fiance's sister. My fiance's sister eventually had to move, so we ended up taking the 3 boys back and housing them separately.

Cut to present day, seven years later... all but one of the degus have passed away. The one girl baby is the only one left and she's an old lady! Their lifespan is up to 10 years, so we'll see how long she sticks around. They've all been plagued with tooth problems except for her, she's been very healthy her whole life.

So that's our animal saga, hehe.





My sister had flying squirrels at one point. (forget the actual name of them, but that's basically what they were) - she hated them. They couldn't be trained, were hard to keep in the pens, and they stunk to high heaven. She was glad when her daughter-in-law said they would take them. Her daughter-in-law had a menagerie of animals too. She had the squirrels, a hedgehog, iguana, a tarantula, a lizard or 2. and a few other exotic pets. (I think a snake or 2) and they always had to go to the pet store to buy live bugs to feed their critters. I think they still have the iguana but most the rest have either passed away or they got rid of them.
Over the years we've had sooo many animals. A number of dogs, probably 30 cats (my husband was an electrician at a shipyard and brought home abandoned babies that we bottlefed). We've also had a bunch of reptiles, bearded lizards, a nile monitor, ball python, and several rattlesnakes.

Currently we have an almost 3yo husky named Apollo and a sweet rescue (bottlefed) 4 month old kitten named Echo.
It's just the two cats for now.... well not just lol. I hope to get a dog when I cut back on my work hours.
There's Mr Tubbs and Princess (they were the ex's, I won them in the break up). Ive had them for 5 years now. Tubbs had a health scare with his kidneys last year, was put on a special diet, and now lives up to his namesake. And Princess is the pretty calico who does what she wants... i guess they were aptly named :think:


All of these non-human babies are so awesome! Thank you for participating.
We had a pug and lab, the pug would climb up on the lab and they would lay like that all the time. It was so cute. I miss my Jezebel (the pug) and Cody (lab).
Here's a cute (but kind of sad) story about them - when out lab passed away out poor pug went through a heartbreaking mourning period. We couldn't leave the room she was in for more than a few seconds without her crying.
So I told my granddaughter (she was 4 at the time I think) to go in and talk to Jezzy, tell her it was going to be okay, pet her, love her, and just talk to her.

My granddaughter got this really concerned look on her face and very seriously told me. "Grandma, I can't do that, Jezzy doesn't speak English, she only speaks bark" :)

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Ok, here are my (not-so-little) monsters. They're spoiled rotten, but I love them anyway.

First up is Jacob, my 3 year old, 65 pound pitbull. He's a happy boy and as sweet as can be. I always say that if someone broke in to my house that I would be dead, everything I own would be gone, and Jacob would have a new friend. He's everybody's best friend, except squirrels. Never squirrels.

Next is Dakota, She's a 4 year old St. Bernard. She's very sweet and likes to cuddle, but can be a little over-protective from time to time. She's 110 pounds so she's actually smallish for her breed, which is fortunate as she fancies herself as something of a lap dog.

Finally, We have Sookie. She's a mixed breed. Half Australian cattle dog, and half American bulldog. She's still a puppy and at about 1.5 years old she weighs 75 pounds. She's incredibly people focused, and definitely the guard dog in the house.

Finally, one of Jacob and Sookie together just cause they're stinkin' cute and behaving for a minute.

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I've got three fur children

8year old Abby (full name Dutchess Abby CC Bonkers) - first picture
7year old Ben (Count Benjamin Catsetllo) - orange boy
Ancient Jack (we don't know hoe old he is, at least 10 - full name Barron Jackson Von *******, III Uruk-Hai) - he's the black and white one in the last picture




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