Lyn, as always, absolutely beautiful!
How did you get your soap with the cocoa line to not separate?
Mine always falls apart, even with gel. I haven't used cocoa, but I have used mica, and that was just a big waste.
The pink one is scented with a fragrance called Cannabis Rose....Really nice scent not a perfume rose but a more earthy type rose.
Chrissy I used Nizzys technique (stocking over a container of some sorts) but the container I put my cocoa powder into was wider than my mold so it ended up all over the silicone insert and then all over the soap.....will be on the look-out at kitchen shops now for a cup with screw on mesh top.................have seen them in the past and they would make putting the powder on soooooo much easier.
wow! very nice!
do you mind sharing a tip - how do you make those curly white things on the top? i tried them myself, but i don't seem to be successful. either soap is to soft, and it just makes a straight cut, or the soap is already too hard and it just crumbles - never finding the golden middle
Manchy the soap I curled for this batch is like three months gone.............some pieces did break but in general they did alright..............I use a potato peeler.
Im not sure what advice to give you, but one possibity is the type of recipe you are using guess harder soaps would be more prone to cracking and breaking when attempting to mold into curls.
Just read your post again........My curls are only semi curled when I peel them and then I just gently roll it up tighter.