I'm making an Activated charcoal brine soap and want it to smell herbaceous, minty, uplifting, fresh! However I've had a hard time making this EOs stick, even by the time I'm unmolding I can barely smell the blend.
I've been using 3% of oil weight, which is what I use for my other soaps and it works great, I'm guessing this particular category of EOs fades more easily? Right now my idea is to use rosemary EO paired with any of the following: eucalyptus, bergamot, thyme, sage, tea tree, lemon, lemongrass. However I'm open other options. My favorite blend so far has been rosemary + bergamot 1:1 but it completely faded at 3%.
Does anyone have any ideas/experience with blends of this nature?
There are tons of rosemary soaps in the market, it's driving me crazy that I can't make this scent work for me!
I use a blend from the EOCalc website called “Revive.” It has tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender and ??? It sticks around for at least three months. For my earliest soaps, which are only 5-6 months old now, the lemongrass and patchouli seem to have held the best. I was using very low concentrations back then, usually < 1%.
The bergamot and lemon fade too quickly for soap in my experience. It sounds like you have a great collection of oils. Try using something more like 5-6% if it is safe with your EOs.
i agree! My lemongrass parchouli Is almost too scented! I LOVE that blend. Wish I could find something like it with a minty scent.
Aw I didn’t know this about bergamot, this is too bad
well, I’ll try with something else then. Thank you!
I love bergamot too
I use most EO's at 6% PPO, except basil, thyme, Petitgrain and spicy EO's that irritate the skin. Be very aware that Thyme and Basil are very very strong and will overpower almost every eo so use very tiny percentages and work up. Lavender with Patchouli is very nice and sticks well.
Do you ever use it? If so, What do you pair it with and in which %?
@cmzaha does petitgrain stick for you?
@cascarral I've tried bergamot on its own with no luck, but I think it held a little longer blended with cedarwood and patchouli. It was a nice blend! I think roughly equal parts of each. Cedar and patchouli work well as a backdrop to many other EOs too.
I loooove petitgrain with french lavender, afraid it won't stick though.
Cascarral, have you ever tried eucalyptus with peppermint or spearmint? I enjoy those combos. I think rosemary with peppermint is a popular blend too, if you are looking for something minty. The mints hold ok for me, but not as long as patchouli.
Actually, the missing EO in the Revive blend I mentioned above is peppermint. I’m not usually a big fan of eucalyptus and tea tree, but I like the blend.
I find Petitgrain sticks like glue and is very overpowering. I have used it with Brazil Lime in using very small percentage of the petitgrain and it is lovely. Brazil Lime with Litsea is also very nice. Another favorite of mine is Brazil Lime, Litsea, and Cedarwood in equal parts. It really blooms when the warm water hits it.
Thanks a lot
I will try! Not a fan of cedar, though, I think it’s too “manly” is it just me?
Nice! Do you have the ratios of this blend? I’ve got all the EOs so might try tomorrow