Fragrance Oil Review Chart Link

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Jan 31, 2009
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Please help make this a valuable resource for all members by adding your reviews.

Thank you!

View, download, print, and share the Review:

Add a new FO Review:

Update an existing FO Review:

Add a new Supplier:

Update a Supplier:

The "How to use" sheet in the FO Reviews contains all these links and more, including a direct email link to the sheet owner/admin so you can contact her directly.
Very cool.

How do we differentiate between different sources and is there a way to make it clear that two reviews are of the same fragrance?
Just click on the tab at the bottom to view different suppliers. You'll see tabs for Aroma Haven/Rustic Escentuals, Berts, Elements, etc. To see more, use the right pointing arrow to scroll to view the rest of the suppliers.

The fragrance names listed under the specific supplier would be the same FO. If the same FO name appears on a different supplier's page, then it won't be the same fragrance oil and you should go by what the review states on that page. Although, I suppose it's possible FOs might be the same if they came from the same manufacturer. I don't know how many fragrance oil manufacturers there are supplying the soap/B&B companies.
THANK YOU, HAZEL!!!!! I've been waiting and waiting for this to become a sticky!

To add to it, just go the bottom empty line and fill everything in, including the name of the scent and your name as reviewer. Every so often, the spreadsheet will update and put everything in alphabetical order and your review will be placed in the proper place. If it's a scent that has another review, it will just go in line under the previous reviews. Make certain you are on the sheet for the proper supplier.
You can also click on a FO name, then click "Insert" and there will be a drop down menu with "Row above" and "Row below". Then just click one to insert a new row.

THANK YOU, HAZEL!!!!! I've been waiting and waiting for this to become a sticky!

You're welcome! I didn't think about it because I have the chart bookmarked. Also, I thought it was posted somewhere on the forum in a sticky. I looked but didn't see it so it must have been a hallucination. I know I've posted the link in the past in some threads.

@ grayceworks - You can add a new tab for a supplier. It's the plus sign at the lower left hand corner.

eta: But you probably already knew about the plus sign. :oops:
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I didn't think about it. I made an assumption that anyone could add a new supplier. Have you tried to add one?

Also, the spreadsheet author hasn't been on the forum for at least 2 years. She probably wouldn't care.
This is great, thanks hazel! I had not seen this until now. I suppose it lives in the cloud and anyone can add to it? I have a few from candlescience, but also from Camden Grey which I don't see. I will try to navigate the spreadsheet and see if I can add a supplier. This is if I figure adding reviews to the existing ones...not a spread sheet user.

I did add reviews to Candle science, will continue with the other one later...
Sheila Pullar said:
Where do I post a topic or question? X

If you are asking how to add to the review list, here is a great post by fellow-member Newbie on how to do that:

To add to it, just go the bottom empty line and fill everything in, including the name of the scent and your name as reviewer. Every so often, the spreadsheet will update and put everything in alphabetical order and your review will be placed in the proper place. If it's a scent that has another review, it will just go in line under the previous reviews. Make certain you are on the sheet for the proper supplier.

As for posting a question, the best place to do so is in the fragrance section here on the forum (instead of on the review list).

IrishLass :)
FRAGRANCE CHART flash point and total heat of lye

AS I read some of these reviews. I wonder 2 people use the same Fragrance Oil with different results.
People what we needs is The time of temp when adding the fragrance oil.
I wonder if it is a temperature issue here. I have had this darn batch of green leaf and bamboo that i love to death. because it stick well and last a long time in the bar and on your skin.

im wondering if lowering my temp to room or lower will help this fragrace not accelerate. I am think that it has something to do with the Flash point of th Fragrance. Looking back the Green Leaf and Bamboo flash point was 176 I am pretty sure that after the lye my batter was pushing 200 or more.

any Ideas has anyone experience this ? or tried it
AS I read some of these reviews. I wonder 2 people use the same Fragrance Oil with different results.
People what we needs is The time of temp when adding the fragrance oil.
I wonder if it is a temperature issue here. I have had this darn batch of green leaf and bamboo that i love to death. because it stick well and last a long time in the bar and on your skin.

im wondering if lowering my temp to room or lower will help this fragrace not accelerate. I am think that it has something to do with the Flash point of th Fragrance. Looking back the Green Leaf and Bamboo flash point was 176 I am pretty sure that after the lye my batter was pushing 200 or more.

any Ideas has anyone experience this ? or tried it
200 is really high to soap. I don't take my soapy temps ever...but I feel the outside of my stainless steel bowls. Safe to touch and softly warm from the outside means safe to blend for me. 200 is smokin. I'd pull back to soaping at 80-120 degrees if you're newly starting out, and or taking temps. All recommendations are normally in the 80-120 range. What made you soap so high? You run the risk of a lye volcano at 200 degrees F I fear...