Fourth batch of soap ever (random "swirl")

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2014
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This is a goat milk soap I made a few days ago. I colored it with turmeric because it's the only thing I had around in the house AND my soaping "hobby" is getting expensive. It's scented with orange and lemon grass because they were on sale and the only two I could afford . This is my first time using scent and color together. I'm hoping the color will last.

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Thanks! I still don't know what I am doing and realize there is a real learning curve with soapmaking. But the learning process is so much fun that I don't mind.
You did a great job on your swirls and the colors gorgeous. My only suggestion when using tumeric is do not use a $20 white wash cloth! Tumeric, if used to heavy can stain, but I do love it for yellow. Be careful soaping is addictive :)
You did a great job on your swirls and the colors gorgeous. My only suggestion when using tumeric is do not use a $20 white wash cloth! Tumeric, if used to heavy can stain, but I do love it for yellow. Be careful soaping is addictive :)

Thanks! I'm sure I would have learned that the hard way. I guess I should only use these for myself! Will the color be messy in the shower. I thought the color would fade during the curing process, so I probably went a little overboard ! Thanks for the advice.
You guys are too kind. When I look at other peoples soap I feel so small, lol. I have a long way to go, but am thoroughly enjoying the ride!!!!
You guys are too kind. When I look at other peoples soap I feel so small, lol. I have a long way to go, but am thoroughly enjoying the ride!!!!

I say this as much to myself as to you, since I also struggle with this. Don't feel small! There will always be someone with prettier soaps than you and always someone with plainer soaps than you, so there's no point in comaparing. You'll drive yourself crazy.

Plus....YOU MAKE SOAP. That's pretty awesome all on its own, regardless of how they look. Think of how impressed your friends and family are when you give them a bar of soap and say, "I made this for you." You rock! We all rock! :lol:
I say this as much to myself as to you, since I also struggle with this. Don't feel small! There will always be someone with prettier soaps than you and always someone with plainer soaps than you, so there's no point in comaparing. You'll drive yourself crazy.

Plus....YOU MAKE SOAP. That's pretty awesome all on its own, regardless of how they look. Think of how impressed your friends and family are when you give them a bar of soap and say, "I made this for you." You rock! We all rock! :lol:

So true!! That's life in all situations anyhow. Making soap is pretty awesome and I'm glad I stumbled upon this wonderful craft. My family and friends are really excited that I'm making my own soap and can't wait to try some.

I compare so I can learn and grow (and gawk, I must admit). So when I say "small" I mean in a good way, lol. Small is good...I feel humbled and inspired and motivated to make better quality soap. Always something new to reach for! Thanks for even more encouragement
You nailed it!! :D That soap looks absolutely perfect! You should be proud. Well done indeed!

Thank you so very much Tienne!! it gives me confidence to try something new in another batch (if I can get my hands on some more supplies). Although I know you all are nice people to begin still makes me feel better as I am my worse critic. When I look at my soaps I always think to myself "I did SOMETHING wrong...something about it doesn't look right" lol. My mom asks to use the bars and I tell her I have to make 50 more test batches first! My husband looks at me and says "you realize it's just SOAP". Of course I'm thinking, "JUST SOAP! No! This is a creative process, this is more than just soap, this is......okay yeah it's soap....I guess" lol. He thinks I'm mad at this point.

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