Found silicone cake pans for 99c

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Active Member
Nov 10, 2010
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they were at the discount store new for 99c, marked down from 12.99. they're 8.5x8.5. this is my first time making soap, but is there anything special I need to do to use these? do I need to grease them first or use parchment paper? I am wondering if they're going to bow out on me when I use it. I figured for 99c its worth a try anyways!
You don't need to line or grease them. They can bow out on you. Make sure to wash a couple of times to avoid color transfer.
To prevent bowing... why not place some books on the sides? Or place it alongside the wall...? =X I don't have any silicone molds (read: any molds at all...) so I dunno what I'm talking about <3
oh excellent! thanks!

I thought about putting it in a box of the same size or something? or perhaps the books all around would work. thats a good idea!

I cant wait to get started!
If you find you like it - you may want to make a little frame from wood and slip it in. As crude as youwant since it's just for you - even duct take them together! As long as it hold the shape :wink:

Good Deal BTW!
Those are good ideas. If you get thinly sliced wood (I've seen these at craft stores), I think you could cut them with an exacto knife and duct tape them around the molds to make them more stable.
I think the idea of making a "frame" so it doesn't bow is good, but I'd keep it removable. Being able to turn the mold inside out is a great advantage.
Until you build a frame, I would make sure you put something solid underneath the mold. A cookie sheet or some sturdy cardboard should work. If you don't have something under it, it's going to be quite difficult to move until it's ready to unmold!
well the water I put in it didn't bow, but then again my guess is that soap is heavier than water :)