Forcing gel opinions/experiences?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
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Beautiful, Sunny Southern California
I've got an Oatmeal, Coconut Milk and Honey soap CP recipe that I've used for years without any issues. I soap cooler (90-100 degrees) with anything with milk and honey. I also allow my soap to go through gel phase but watch it like a hawk to make sure it doesn't overheat or start cracking.

When gel starts, I insulate only the end caps of my 3# molds, to ensure a gel to the edges. Never a problem. Never, ever....until last night. NO GEL! Now, I'm a
gel-ler.... I prefer gelled soaps, even my milk soaps.

I've made no changes in my recipe. I insulate these lightly. But last night
... NOTHIN'! Grrr. So, I've never forced gel...and since its been 16 hours since pouring, is this even possible now with results remotely being descent?

In this 3# batch, I added 1 oz beeswax (melted with my oils), 1 oz honey mixed with 1 oz olive oil, added at thick trace, along with 2oz. Fragrance oil. 2 oz. frozen coconut milk mixed in with my lye solution. Superfat at 5%.
I had a non-gel a while back when my soaps before had always gelled in a covered wood mold. Only thing I can think of is that the house was significantly cooler as it was winter, so all subsequent soaps went on the whelping mat or the floor heater with the pilot light that winter.

Just leave the soap for like twice as long or more, it wont be bad for not gelling as long as you don't unmold or cut too soon. Of course cutting too late is bad too. This is why I hate not gelling, it messes up my groove.
Seawolfe...exactly! I'm very efficient and quite capable of troubleshooting, but this is exactly my issue....messed up my groove! This soap is one of my best selling, and my consistency usually has been on point. I just really want to keep the color and texture similar for my sales, although it is still the "same" soap, I don't welcome change very well. It had been colder here for passed few days (for SoCal), and I keep my house rarely goes below 70 degrees...but of course, it could have been that. Ugh. Just a little bummed. Looks like future-family- gifting soap! I've got 7 kids, it will be out of my sight soon enough. ;)
Is your soap still zappy? If so then you can still try and force gel. If its not, then its fully saponified and you can't force gel at this point. I hardly ever gel my soaps but when I do, I use CPOP at 170* F
My non gelled soaps are usually able to unmold and cut in 12 hours. I have a hard recipe so I can't wait 24 hours.
Obsidian~yes, it is still zappy. Tested first thing this morning. I'm going to push it and try and force the gel....I am threatening to dump it in a crockpot, but my husband steals my stock for himself and his trucker, so if this doesn't work,he can take from this batch.
CPOP is much easier then using a crock pot, have you ever done that before? Heat your oven 170* F, turn it off then put the soap inside. Its should heat up slowly and go into gel. Sometime I've had to reheat the oven to keep it warm enough.
I did OP exactly how you said, and worked! Thank goodness! The color is still slightly lighter than my previous cured batches, but will darken somewhat when it cools and cures, I'm sure. Thank you so so much! I was very concerned about "cooking" it or creating a volcano because of the honey and beeswax, but it behaved after it found out I was planning on crockpotting the crap out of it if OP didn't work. ;)
LOL Im in So Cal too - I guess when it gets cooler it really surprises us :p
Glad you got it sorted.
Seawolfe....thank you....I guess I'm just emotional over my newborn baby soap. Yes, SoCal has been a little surprising weather-wise lately! Beautiful sunny days, but a bit chilly! It took me a lot to put my mold in the heart kept telling me "you're gonna kill it!" But alas...SUCCESS!! I guess I will give in to the Temps and soap a little warmer right now. My husband called me a Sissy-Lala...calls my soap PERFECT....and to get over it. Haha. If only...
Exact same recipe....
The soaps on the right are 3 weeks cured vs the fresh babies on the left.

If the house is cool wrap in towel and place on top of radiator or wrap in towel and place in plastic bag. put a heating pad under it.

I love making soap in the spring and summer. Summer because i can throw them in the trunk of my car and let them cook :)
Recently, I've noticed my soaps haven't been gelling. Perhaps it's a combination of soaping cooler, using silicone, and living in the desert. It's getting pretty warm, and I prefer to live in an igloo, which got me thinking the other day. I was at a store an noticed the large igloo coolers on sale. I bought it to see how my soap did. It worked beautifully! I draped a towel and blanket over it, but I don't think that was necessary. I haven't CPOP'd yet. Baby steps people, baby steps. Howevever, my question is this: I've yet to experience soap on a stick instantly, but I know it's only a matter of time. Hypothetically, could I leave the soap in the bowl, let it go into gel, then separate and color soap? Just curious. As for CPOP, I promise to try it. I just need an interior thermometer since I don't trust my oven. So, in the meantime, I'm using my igloo for molds that fit into it.
If you get soap-on-a-stick, yes, you can keep it in the soap pot and let it saponify and heat up until it goes into gel. Problem is it's going to have the rustic look of an HP soap, because that's basically what you're making. From what I can see, doing a successful multi-color design in basic HP soap can be tough.

Some people add some sodium lactate to their HP soaps to make the batter more fluid. The resulting soap looks a little more like a CP soap -- some people's results look very much like CP -- and this more-fluid soap can be colored and designed like CP. I'd sure practice the technique ahead of time, so's to be ready for those unplanned soap-on-a-stick moments. :)
I haven't HP'd yet either. I should probably do this at least once to familiarize myself with this technique. However, it's good to know leaving in the bowl could also be an option when the time comes. Now that I've said that, and am trying some new FO's it'll probably happen :-(
Thanks D!